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Everything posted by Mr_Chipss

  1. Mr_Chipss

    Unmount vehicle parts

    Hi, i'm looking for the onefox's SalvageWheel script but actually the one on github don't work and the pastebin link you sent isn't available anymore. Can you please re post it ? @kuplion
  2. Mr_Chipss

    Block Name Change

    No idea ?
  3. Mr_Chipss

    Block Name Change

    Hello everyone , I am looking for a script that prevent people from changing their name. Example: If you join my server with the name : Tom Mitchel, and later you try to connect with another name, the server will return an "end of mission" saying that you need reconnect with your old name "Tom Mitchel" or contact an administrator. Soory for my bad english and I really hope you guys can help me for this.
  4. Mr_Chipss

    Block Name Change

    I know it's possible, i've found Arma Life's scripts that can do that but i didn't manage to adapt them for exile mod. Init.sqf if(profileName != _this select 1) exitWith { hint format["Votre ancien pseudonyme : %1",_this select 1]; [format["Pour pouvoir rejoindre le serveur, veuillez remettre votre précédent pseudonyme !<br/><br/>Votre ancien pseudo : <t color='#b20303'>%1</t><br/><br/>Si vous avez des problèmes pour changer votre pseudo, publiez un message sur le forum <t color='#665bff'></t>", _this select 1], "Changement de pseudo", "J'ai compris !"] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage; ["NameExists",false,false] call BIS_fnc_endMission; }; description.ext class NameExists { title = "Pseudo inconnu"; subTitle = ""; description = "Pour rejoindre le serveur, remettez votre ancien pseudonyme ! Ou postez un message sur le forum pour demander le changement de celui-ci."; pictureBackground = ""; picture = ""; pictureColor[] = {0,0.3,0.6,1}; };