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About SinisterCarnage

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  1. SinisterCarnage

    One Vehicle to randomly spawn in the server

    Thank you all for your responses I will give this a go.
  2. SinisterCarnage


    Fun filled PVP server on Tanoa. We have DMS missions, ZCP cap points, roaming AI, Igiload, Advanced movement, Advanced towing, Advanced rapelling, and infistar all active on our server. We will be making changes due to early stages of set up and are currently looking into different weapon mods and vehicle mods. Feel free to join us on team speak and the server. It is not mandatory that you join team speak to play on the server but it will be a little slower to communicate on server restarts due to the addition of new mods or any server maintenance. Once in our server feel free to make any recommendations either here, on our facebook page or in ts in our suggestion room where we will be glad to talk to you. When you do join team speak please make sure you navigate to the appropriate channels. Arma 3 Lobby, Clan Room 1, or Clan Room 2. Depending on server activity will determine whether or not we add new channels or clan rooms.
  3. SinisterCarnage

    One Vehicle to randomly spawn in the server

    Hello, i am currently hosting a server and wish to add one vehicle that randomly spawns thoughout the map. Such as a C130 or VTOL that would sell for allot of poptabs and would be worth hunting down. I only want one of them to spawn every server restart and I want it to be random where it spawns every time. Any help would be appreciated.