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About Kawena1

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  • Birthday 08/22/1999

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  1. Kawena1

    Embedded Skeleton Car in

    Embedded Skeleton Car in 'exile_pyscho_lrc\lr_amb_acr.p3d' has different [ bones count ] in different p3d files. Skeleton/model "exile_pyscho_tractor\tractor.p3d' will probably not work correctly.
  2. Cant really explain, Just when I start it up (Its a new server just downloaded the latest @exile and @ExileServer) and it happened to diff missions like "Exile.Tanoa". Cant find a way to fix it. I looked at this but I don't know if, this will fix it and I don't, want to start a new one and use the files, I used because i'm to lazy . But here is da script. Got it from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers.
  3. Even thou I have the @ExileServer and @Exile addon folders I'ts still saying that I need them and they are both in the same folder.
  4. Kawena1

    File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\mission.sqm Error

    What do you mean? like what do I change into ' ' addons[] = {"exile_client","A3_Ui_F"}; class AddonsMetaData { 'Ryanzombies', 'ryanzombiesfunctions', };
  5. Alright so I recntly added Zombies and Demons, With ExileZ and when ever I start it up I get this error. I got no clue I added the and not the "exile_client", "a3_map_altis", part because it says only "ryanzombies" & "ryanzombiesfunctions" I tried, adding the whole script in but still didn't work. My current mission.sqm is.
  6. Addons 'exile_server_config' requires addon 'ryanzombies'
  7. I have the Ryanszombies mod enabled in the parameters and I downloaded the new code and gone threw the read.md. still cant see zombiesd :\
  8. Kawena1

    How to add mods to the server?

    Ok thanks I got it
  9. Kawena1

    EXILE servers with Starting gear

    Well if your looking for a server with starter gear you may need to just cruise around looking for any name with starting gear, or anything under that topic but other wise I don't think you can easily find a server with starting gear straight off the bat. You can try going into the forums and look for servers that have that but otherwise I can't, help out with that hopefully that helped a bit.
  10. I am trying to join my server with, the correct mods but it still kicks me. I am using only the Zombies mod. Here's my parameters. @echo off start "arma3" /min /high "arma3server.exe" -port=2302 -config=Config.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -name=Exile "-mod=@Exile;@ExileServer;@Zombies & Demons;" -world=empty -nosplash -noSound -noPause -malloc=system -autoinit
  11. The title is shit saying and explaining, But whenever I try joining my server it says please disable this mod because its not on the server, But its enabled. "-mod=;@Extended-Base-Mod;@CBA-A3;@Zombies-and-Demons" That's the mods I have and its still saying that I need to disable it to join the server .-. Hewlp :P...
  12. Kawena1

    How do I make my own server parameters

    Now it says 5:08:46 BattlEye initialization failed "D:\SteamCMD Exile\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -port=2032 -cfg=basic.cfg -config=config.cfg -bepath="D:\SteamCMD Exile\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\battleye" -autoInit