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Everything posted by Arbitrarily

  1. Arbitrarily

    Crafting issues with "Custom Recipes"

    Hey, So recently I've been trying to make custom recipes for my server I'm currently working on. The issue I've run into is for some reason said "items" are coming up blank - I've attached the correct item ID but still it's not working correctly. Here is a SS of one of the recipes on the server - also below this will be the code for it. class B_Bergen_mcamo_F: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe { name = "Bergen Backpack Cammo"; pictureItem = "B_Bergen_mcamo_F"; requiredInteractionModelGroup = "WorkBench"; requiresFire = 0; returnedItems[] = { {1, "B_Bergen_mcamo_F"} }; components[] = { {1, "B_Bergen_mcamo"}, {1, "Exile_Uniform_Woodland"}, {2, "Exile_Item_Rope"} }; tools[] = {"Exile_Item_Foolbox","Exile_Item_Pliers","Exile_Item_Knife"}; category = "Tools & Items"; }; Thank you for your time, Arb
  2. Arbitrarily

    Crafting issues with "Custom Recipes"

    He said " Uniforms Vests and Backpacks not craftable by default exile you need to do a overwrite by urself to solved that Problem. "
  3. Arbitrarily

    Crafting issues with "Custom Recipes"

    I didn't think so either but the guy above said there was a way which confused me as he didn't put how to exactly do it?
  4. Arbitrarily

    Crafting issues with "Custom Recipes"

  5. Arbitrarily

    Crafting issues with "Custom Recipes"

  6. Arbitrarily

    Crafting issues with "Custom Recipes"

    I'm sorry you've lost me on what you've said to me. Are you saying that you are unable to create any gear or backpacks that are not from exile that are base Arma items? You also said you can overwrite this to solve the issue where is it you overwrite and how? Thanks, Garrett