Hi all, I've been looking about at code to see how to create script to select a random town (based on markers), i came across some scripting that pretty much did what i wanted after setting up a trigger to run the script, except the AI would not actually select a random spot (town) and launch a few rounds but fire 1 round without doing the 'targetting'. Below is what i used
_targetArray = ["target_1", "target_2", "target_3", "target_4", "target_5", "target_6"]; //Cherno, Electro, Zelenogorsk, Berezino and Stary sobor
_artyGunsArray = [Arty1, Arty2, Arty3]; // B_MBT_01_mlrs_F x 3 at SW corner, NW corner and NE corner in editor
while {(damage Arty1 < 0.4) and ((damage (gunner Arty1) < 1) and (side (gunner Arty1) == west)) or (damage Arty2 < 0.4) and ((damage (gunner Arty2) < 1) and (side (gunner Arty2) == west)) or (damage Arty3 < 0.4) and ((damage (gunner Arty3) < 1) and (side (gunner Arty3) == west))} do {
_shots = 0;
if ((damage _x < 0.4) and ((damage (gunner _x) < 1) and (side (gunner _x) == west))) then {
_gunner = gunner _x;
_gunner lookAt [(getpos _gunner select 0), ((getpos _gunner select 1) + 50), 50];
sleep 1;
_x fire "rockets_230mm_GAT";
_shots = _shots + 1;
sleep 1;
} forEach _artyGunsArray;
sleep 10;
_x = 0;
while {_x < _shots} do {
_rndNum = round(random 5);
_target = _targetArray select _rndNum;
_explosion = createVehicle ["rockets_230mm_GAT", getMarkerPos _target, [0,0,+100], 0, "NONE"];
_x = _x + 1;
sleep 1;
sleep 15;
How can i make the rounds appear above the designated 'area', send a warning out to players saying something like
player sideChat "WARNING! one of the 5 main areas is under artillery barrage, Get Clear";
Also, is the below code right as into adding a 'zone' around the area?
_marker = createMarker ["artyzone", _target];
_marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_marker setMarkerSize [100,100];
Thanks to anyone whom can shed some advice into this.