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Everything posted by th3soulofg4m3

  1. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    I have found the solution, the folder "Addons" is the problem. I have a server linux and I modify the folder to "addons" and all work right. Thank you
  2. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    Hi, I have a problem with Extended Base Mod on my linux server, I try to search on forum and I try to modify my command line, now is, -mod=@Exile\;@Extended_Base_Mod\;@CBA_A3\;@CUP_Weapons\;@CUP_Vehicles\;@CUP_Units -servermod=@exileserver. All load right but can't build anything of EBM. Please help me, I try everything for two days. Thank you.
  3. th3soulofg4m3

    Extended Base Mod

    thanks for your reply. I have found the solution, the folder "Addons" is the problem. I have a server linux and I modify the folder to "addons" and all work right. Thank you
  4. th3soulofg4m3

    Extended Base Mod

    Hi, I have a problem. I have this mod, follow all instructions I have installing the mod two times. In game I can buy or craft extended base item with no problem, but when I or other players try to build something, the items is invisible. I try to explain, when try to build I have at right of the screen the menu for build but don't see the items. I try to spawn with infistar and I can spawn items in my gear but when try to spawn in front of me nothing. I don't receive error only I can't see items. For information I use easy trader setup for trader items. Please help me. Sorry for my bad english
  5. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    Extended Base mod need CBA?
  6. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    Hi, yes hi have @Extedned_Base_Mod into the server directory and EBM directory in Altis mission directory.
  7. th3soulofg4m3

    CUP weapons disappear at restart

    Thanks for your help, I solved putting it manually.
  8. th3soulofg4m3

    CUP weapons disappear at restart

    Hi, in first sorry for my English. Is my first topic on this forum, I appreciated your work. I have a problem with my Exile linux server, I add CUP weapons and CUP unit in my server, all it's ok the server load the mod and i can buy at trader, but if I have an M107 for example and a CUP backpack at my gear, when restart my server the gear disappear. Can anyone help me, thank you.
  9. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    Sorry for the wait, but I try to reinstall the mod but have same problem, this is RPT
  10. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    You say at my own PC? My friends have same issue on my server.
  11. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    I have download from armaholic, - put folder @EBM on my server like other mod - put folder EBM in my mission pbo - modify config.cpp of my mission - add extended base mod to the "HARDWARE" - apply be filters to setpos //new 7 "" !"Exile_" !"Land_" !"CamoNet_OPFOR_open_F" !"CamoNet_INDP_open_F" !"CamoNet_BLUFOR_open_F" !"CamoNet_OPFOR_open_F_Preview" !"CamoNet_INDP_open_F_Preview" !"CamoNet_BLUFOR_open_F_Preview" !"Portable" !"_Preview" !"_F" !"PortableHelipadlight_" !"ShootingPos_F" !"BlockConcrete_F" !"MapBoard_altis_F" !"B_" !"OfficeTable_01_new_F_Preview" !"ArrowDesk_L_F_Preview" !"ArrowDesk_R_F_Preview" !"PlasticBarrier_02_grey_F_Preview" !"PlasticBarrier_02_yellow_F_Preview" !"PlasticBarrier_03_blue_F_Preview" !"PlasticBarrier_03_orange_F_Preview" !"RoadBarrier_F_Preview" !"RoadBarrier_small_F_Preview" !"RoadCone_F_Preview" !"RoadCone_L_F_Preview" !"TapeSign_F_Preview" !"TargetP_Inf_F_Preview" !"Fridge_01_closed_F_Preview" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_blue_F_Preview" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_green_F_Preview" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_red_F_Preview" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_white_F_Preview" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_yellow_F_Preview" !"WaterPump_01_forest_F_Preview" !"WaterPump_01_sand_F_Preview" !"Target_Swivel_01_ground_F_Preview" !"TargetP_Inf_Acc2_F_Preview" !"TargetBootcampHuman_F_Preview" !"Target_F_Preview" !"MetalBarrel_burning_F_Preview" !"OfficeTable_01_new_F" !"ArrowDesk_L_F" !"ArrowDesk_R_F" !"PlasticBarrier_02_grey_F" !"PlasticBarrier_02_yellow_F" !"PlasticBarrier_03_blue_F" !"PlasticBarrier_03_orange_F" !"RoadBarrier_F" !"RoadBarrier_small_F" !"RoadCone_F" !"RoadCone_L_F" !"TapeSign_F" !"TargetP_Inf_F" !"Fridge_01_closed_F" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_blue_F" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_green_F" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_red_F" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_white_F" !"PortableHelipadLight_01_yellow_F" !"WaterPump_01_forest_F" !"WaterPump_01_sand_F" !"Target_Swivel_01_ground_F" !"TargetP_Inf_Acc2_F" !"TargetBootcampHuman_F" !"Target_F" !"MetalBarrel_burning_F" 7 Exile_Unit_Player
  12. th3soulofg4m3

    CUP weapons disappear at restart

    I am my server provider. What port have to open on db? The rest of exile DB function as well
  13. th3soulofg4m3

    CUP weapons disappear at restart

    Can you explain me what do you mean with firewall? Firewall I know what is but firewall of what? DB? THX
  14. th3soulofg4m3

    CUP weapons disappear at restart

    I see my errorlog mysql but don't find nothing I think. The time of error not is the same time of playing or restart. 2017-06-05T05:19:49.804565Z 391 [Note] Aborted connection 391 to db: 'exile' user: 'user' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2017-06-05T06:00:04.362429Z 397 [Note] Aborted connection 397 to db: 'exile' user: 'user' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2017-06-05T10:00:04.697561Z 401 [Note] Aborted connection 401 to db: 'exile' user: 'user' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets) 2017-06-05T13:01:41.406304Z 403 [Note] Aborted connection 403 to db: 'exile' user: 'user' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
  15. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    The mod extended base load with other the problem is only construct
  16. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    Ah ok, i run arma 3 with Linux Game Server Managers, for load mod I have to put \.
  17. th3soulofg4m3

    EBM invisible when try to construct

    Sorry, I don't understand. Is wrong to put all mod in command line?
  18. th3soulofg4m3

    CUP weapons disappear at restart

    I don't control that, i'm newbbie. This evening control and say what I see in log DB.