-= TGM =-

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Everything posted by -= TGM =-

  1. -= TGM =-

    Autoinit is supported only for persistent missions!

    Hmm, why i cant see this picture ? I have the same "error", can u please tell me what to do ?
  2. -= TGM =-

    players timeout on bambi request

    Hello! I have the same problem on my server. But only some of the players get this, some can join! Anyone have a solution for this?
  3. -= TGM =-

    Server auf Nitrado installieren.....Tutorials?

    Naja, wenn Du zumindest schonmal Joinen konntest scheint es ja funktioniert zu haben ... Zwecks IP suche in ArmA: Wenn Du im Server Browser bist bei ArmA dann unten rechts ist ein Knopf (Eingabe), trägst du dort die IP ein? Oder suchst du die im Filter? RPT hier NICHT reinkopieren, wird nicht gerne gesehen. http://pastebin.com/ Dort kannst das ganze Log reinkopieren und dann den Link hier reinstellen.
  4. -= TGM =-

    Server auf Nitrado installieren.....Tutorials?

    Hmmmm, also wenn er aktiv ist dann sollte er spätestens nach ca. 1ner Minute über eingabe der IP zu finden sein. Was zeigt denn das RPT Log an ?
  5. -= TGM =-

    Server auf Nitrado installieren.....Tutorials?

    Nabends! Also ich habe nicht so ganz Dein Problem verstanden..... Ist doch bei Nitrado relativ einfach: Beim Spiel installieren (aufm Server) auswählen ob Arma Vanilla (Ohne Mods), Epoch oder Exile, kurz warten, fertig. In ArmA reingehen, Serverbrowser öffnen, Server suchen (am einfachsten natürlich über die IP) und Joinen.. Spielen! LG TGM
  6. -= TGM =-

    Car Keys and Locking

    Like this idea!
  7. -= TGM =-

    Set time&weather

    hmmm, OK, will try it! Thx for ur answer! EDIT: Have try´d it, but weather doesn´t change
  8. -= TGM =-

    Set time&weather

    Hello @ All, i have a problem with the weather too. Its always "sunny" on my server. Here is my server config.cpp: The weather should / can change all 15 minutes, or i´m wrong? But its always the whole time "sunny". Have i done anything wrong here? Can anybody please help me with that? Regards from germany TGM
  9. -= TGM =-

    Compatible Sound Mod

    Hello! I use JSRS DragonFyre Lite without CBA and works without problems on my server!
  10. -= TGM =-

    M3Editor - 3D Map Editor

    Nice tool but i have a question, when i´m in the editor and load the initServer.sqf from exile, i don´t see the objects (from the Trader Safezone) in the Editor. Is that normal? I will add some objects, but when i not see the objects that already there its not so easy ...
  11. -= TGM =-

    R3F Exile

    Will try this! Thx so far!
  12. -= TGM =-

    R3F Exile

    Hi @All! I have exactly the Same issue! And i have defined what cars can load ... But it didnt work with Ammo Crates ... Can anyone help me please ?
  13. -= TGM =-

    Grinder not dropping ?

    Hello Exile Team and Comm., are the Grinder (Flex / Winkelschleifer) not dropping? Or is it not yet implemented? Or how can i build fortifications for wood walls and so on?
  14. Hello! I got kicked from my server after adding the fix. Battleye script restriction #44 #44 "andledPlayers pushBack _unitVar; "@" addPublicVariableEventHandler [_x, { _this set [0,"update"]; _this call bis_fnc_sharedO" Whats going on here?