Top Banana

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Everything posted by Top Banana

  1. Top Banana

    Is this normal when running exile

    That's a low rez cloud shadow, I've seen it before in exile and other game modes. Play around with your clientside graphics settings to sort it out.
  2. Top Banana

    Almyra Base Doors Can't Be Opened

    You need to enable simulation on the buildings to be able to use the doors
  3. Top Banana


    quel statusbar?
  4. Top Banana

    Installing Exile

    Are you trying to download the client side version to play or trying to set up a server ? If you just want to play theres not readme because you dont need to install anything. Just DL the mod, unzip it and add it via the arma launcher.
  5. Top Banana

    Stuck On Loading Screen

    Hi, my advice would be to delete arma and re-install. Its really buggy as it is so if you can't make it into the game then dont bother Download the exile mod from this website, unzip it, and add it using the vanilla Arma launcher. All you need to do is go to the mods tab on the launcher, and select add local mod. A pop will open and you just need to pick the exile folder. If the server you're trying to play on isnt using any other mods then you're good to go. If it does then you can dl them through the vanilla launcher or most of the from their own sites or are on the SteamWorkshop and reapeat the process to add them. Or try the A3Launcher again. Hope that helps
  6. Top Banana

    Since 1.0.4 update walls cannot be walked on when vectored.

    You can't walk over vectored walls, they're physics don't allow it. You can put a wall almost vertical and walk up it but you could never walk over walls not matter how they are placed, horizontal or vertical.
  7. Top Banana


    Check armaholic, chances are though that if someone build it for their server they'll keep it to themselves, usp and all =/
  8. Top Banana

    Exile 1.0.4 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!

    Or you could just say "thank you for continuing the development of exile, we appreciate the work, we're sure it wasn't easy."
  9. Sounds like a problem people have had before, This might help:
  10. Top Banana

    1.0.4 Update: Pineapple

    we're not using exad were using a different system
  11. Top Banana

    1.0.4 Update: Pineapple

    Looks like a really cool update, thanks guys! Will there be a way to disable the VG you are including for the servers that already have one ?
  12. Top Banana

    KSVK Zeroing

    I'm sorry to bring this us because I know some hard work has probably gone into fixing it, but does the KSVK zeroing really need fixing? The KSVK with APDS rounds is an extremely powerful gun. One of its redeeming factors is that you have to have some knowledge and skill to use at long distances because it only zeros to 1000m. When it can be zeroed to 2000m, everyone and their gran is going to be sitting completely out of sight blowing up cars from 2km away with a single clip
  13. Top Banana

    KSVK Zeroing

    @Riker2335 Yes the scopes have a lot less magnification which means there's a lot more to be had with the mildots - so you can shot a lot further with them. We could remove the APDS completely but we are not trying to do away with it, we'd just rather not have everyone running around with it. @Psycho I've searched a lot for it on the forums, if you search KSVK zeroing you get drowned in posts about it only being zeroed to 1km, and as far as I'm aware we cannot manually set the weapons attributes. Anyway, this was just a suggestion, if everyone else disagrees then I'm sure we can figure out our own way of balancing it.
  14. Top Banana

    KSVK Zeroing

    No the KSVK does so much more damage. And yes we could remove the LRPS from our trader, but then people would just use the AMS, MOS or the Kahlia, which are just as efficient scopes at high distances.