Fellow exiles,
I've been trying to make a Arma 3 Exile server. Hosted from my home server (Linux Ubuntu server 17.04). Vanilla Exile runs fine on Altis after fixxing a spawn problem (stuck in the ground waving back at grass).
Now i've been trying to add mods to the server. For this I edited my "startup script", and my "mission.sqm". If I leave out "Ryanzombies" from my mission.sqm it boots up fine, zombies work and all but in A3 launcher the game say's I only need Exile mod to play my server.
If I add the "Ryanzombies" to the addons in my "mission.sqm" I get the error shown in -PUtty Error.jpg-
Id like some hint of things i might have missed. If i need to give more structured files than .jpg's please ask.
Note: Added screens of my mission.sqm, start script, serverstructure and the Putty Error.