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Everything posted by TwistedX

  1. TwistedX

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    anyone have a working example of the format you would use to get a dynamic mission to spawn in a fixed location. I want to spawn a plane on one of 4 runways but I cannot figure out how to format it with this shit arma code.
  2. TwistedX

    FPS Gamers is a vanilla exile server with a custom mission system. Come check us out!
  3. Ye, I purged all my discords and forgot which one was your add me on steam flossy <3
  4. Hola Gents, I wrote this blog post a couple years ago but I have moved it to its permanent home. I finally got around to creating a place for content to be pushed relevant to the games we love. So here is my attempt at shameless self-promotion! Hope this blog helps you and your team improve your gameplay. This is intended to be a tool for you to add to your toolbox. This guide was written originally for Arma 3 but it applies to any FPS Shooter. Feedback is always appreciated. TwistedXvs
  5. Gents, I started this project over 2 years ago then i slacked off for a bit. I just completed lesson 4 and published it to youtube. The information is for you so enjoy it. If you like it please share it. If you want to discuss it swing by my stream and lets discuss it. I stream Daily so come on by.
  6. How did you solve the blocking of the Fastroping and the Advanced vehicle towing addaction blocks? Currently Infistar is blocking our 2 addons that allow to player add actions like advanced towing and fastroping. Is there a way to whitelist the scripts so they can still work, or do we have to completely rewrite the menu interactions for add action to go along with Exiles?
  7. So there are many clans in Arma 3. I feel that my clan is the best. I feel that my clan in Arma 3 is one of the best. Therefore I want to challenge all the clans out there to come compete for a gift card to the top killer at the end of the month. We are implementing a leader board on our server which we will use to track the stats. The Gift card isn't going to be an insane amount of money but with it will come bragging rights about being one of the best clans out there. The competition starts soon so if you have what it takes to put yourself #1 then by all means, bring it. --snip--
  8. TwistedX

    A challenge to competitive clans

    Mustang is that you? LOL you got wrecked and made a beautiful clip on my stream.
  9. TwistedX

    A challenge to competitive clans

    Unfortunately I haven't found a server that has a good mix of wasteland in the way they do business so I created that with the AOP team. Hence why its going to be very action packed server with lots of boom boom. It's not that you other owners are not doing a bang up job. I just don't feel you have my kind of warfare in mind for your servers. Plus a lot of you have rules, where as we do not. We have just 1 rule, no hacking glitching or exploiting. Everything else is fair game, they way the end of the world should be.
  10. TwistedX

    A challenge to competitive clans

    Still waiting on you girls out there to show yourselves.
  11. TwistedX

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @eraser1 Funny thing this had no errors in the server report. Ill see what i can figure out.
  12. TwistedX

    Glitching models broken since update

    Anyone else having this issue with the game right now?
  13. TwistedX

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @eraser1 here is where I am at. Can you let me know if I am on the right path. Spawn Vehicle Mission Array changes to the mission array tables in config Timers What I am getting currently is no mission spawns. The DMS post init fires properly and ZCP spawns the AI group as it is supposed to. But no bandit missions or vehicle missions spawn.
  14. TwistedX

    A challenge to competitive clans

    Fixed as to not violate any special Rules and good to see you again Floss! I thought that was you haha. I even told Insom that I thought that was you over here.
  15. TwistedX

    A challenge to competitive clans

    Call it what you may it still has the same end. Top killer scores a pay day.
  16. Hola, We have created a new type of exile server from scratch that has many features that are amazing. The intention is to build a hybrid wasteland/exile server. We are also challenging the bigger clans in arma 3 to a showdown with a prize reward. We are looking for promoters to help build up the server population as well as help advertise the event on twitch and the like. If you feel that this is something you would be interested in then please get in touch with me.
  17. TwistedX

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @eraser1 i dont think you got what I meant fully so let me try and explain it better I hope. My goal is to have the standard bandit missions running with 2 of them up at a time. The standard array has what 8 missions in it. I want a separate bank to run vehicle missions at the same time with 1 mission running and has 5 missions in the array.. The goal is to have 2 bandit style missions running with 1 vehicle capture mission. Can I set this up in the current infrastructure without having to redo everything?
  18. TwistedX

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I would have to create a separate missions monitor relate to vehicle missions as well. This might be to complex for me haha
  19. TwistedX

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    First off love the Mission System so easy to configure and change. Love it! Question. Am I able to setup 2 sets of bandit style missions. I want to leave your current setup with some changes but I want to separate the capture vehicle to run on its own timer. I plan to create several new missions to capture some form of vehicle. I would add a new array Then would I duplicate this to run under that array name? other then that I want to utilize all the rest of the stuff regularly. Any help would be great I am going to attempt the above and see what my results are but I feel I am on the wrong path. I am going to create my timers based on a version of both dynamic and static to be its own entity. I shall let you know the results. Thinking about it now I guess i could just change the timers on the static missions and add the missions I want to be seperate timers to that array couldnt I. Then I just wouldn't be able to have missions on static missions on startup.
  20. TwistedX

    [AoP] Clan Warfare Chernarus

    Awesome vehicle selection with CUP's vehicles. Good FPS because of minor amount of scripts. Overall great server with a lot of customization! Lots of PVP!!
  21. TwistedX

    Exile Shenanigans

  22. TwistedX

    Exile Shenanigans

    Video #2 in the Kill Shit Series
  23. TwistedX

    FPS Gamer series

    Over the last few years I have been writing blogs about tactics and the like for the Arma 3 community. That blog is here. It covers various topics in regards to working as a team and tactics and has 11k reads as of today. Start at the bottom and work your way up. The bottom was the first blog post etc. I did it for you so enjoy it and take from it what you can.