Spin Khan
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I'm looking for a way to determine if the player is currently in a SafeZone or not within the context of the server. I have a player, call it _x, how can I determine if _x is currently IN a safezone? I'm stumped. TIA!
Well, I disagree but that Tribal mindset surely has you brain locked. It's a pretty pathetic example if you really think I need to learn manners, the reality of the matter is the exact opposite. But then again, I wasn't raised with safespaces and trophies for everyone. My initial question was framed just as it needed to be, period. And in the end, valuable help finally came. You might do well to actually READ and understand the discussion here because from this post it's obvious you haven't or, again, it's that tribal mindset that prevents it. Either way, /I/ am not the one who started throwing weight around like a cyber bad ass counseling people, you did, so take your own advice, learn some manners. I have NO desire to foment silly arguments, again, demonstrate some thinking here, do you really think I find this fun? I was just looking for help. Check your own attitude and you'll receive the same, clearly if you actually read my responses! This thread is over in my view, I've got my answer, I've said my thanks.
Wurst, Kuplion, thank you! That was exactly what I was looking for. I do a lot of perusing the client and server code for understanding and examples, I knew there had to be a service/function ready made to do this since it's pretty much a core part of the mod but my mistake was searching only for 'safezone', I missed 'traderzone' as a term completely or I would probably have found it! Works like a charm! Best!
Wurst, yes I agree, unfortunately in this context, as I've been saying that var is unavailable. But you may be on to something. Kuplion, thanks, let me review. If I can use that client function like that, it's probably what I'm looking for. I didn't notice it probably because as I searched the client and server code I was using 'safezone' rather than 'traderzone'! My initial thoughts, and now this comes right down to me being green and only learning as I move forward, right off the top of my head I'm not sure I know whether or not I can call that client function from the server side. But I'm still getting my head wrapped around the different subsystems and exactly how they fit together. I realize the server is also a client, so that'll probably work. If so, many thanks... I'll review!
But it's NOT correct. And please, don't tell ME, I'm not playing nice, Son, I've been in this game far longer I'm sure. But, I've been deferential and courteous from the outset and will attempt to continue to be so even in the face of being offended that people like you seem to think I need to be bending my knee simply because someone TRIED to answer my question. The COURTEOUS and respectful answer would be to not be presumptuous and unhelpful and would be to indicate a comprehension of MY needs before tossing out unhelpful or answers you believe adamantly true, and then to continually force them forward. The fact is, for what I'm doing, for code running in a server context only, this variable is NOT available. You might look up yourself, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/hasInterface Geek, unhelpful, for the same reasons. Do I really need to show you my logs? I mean, I'm ready to be corrected, I want an answer here, this arguing is a complete waste of my very valuable time. I'm admittedly not an expert and am learning this as I go, but I think I AM able to read where my logs quite plainly tell me, AS I'VE STATED, this variable is undefined! Shake off the Tribalism mindset! Additionally, not one answer yet has had the decency or respect to answer my question directly without presumption. I said quite plainly, GIVEN player _X ASK if that player is in the safezone. Now it appears Wurstkette just posted something I need to review because he, now at least, is getting to the core of my question. BUT, with that possible exception, none of your answers have come close. Instead, and I find this most OFFENSIVE, you take what you THINK I need to do, translate it into your own presumptions and spew forth the answer you were trained to give. Well, I'm sorry and, maybe I'm too old, but having been a software engineer my entire adult life, I'm learning ArmA the way I WANT. And I simply want to know if there is a reasonable way, given a player to determine if he's in the safezone. Do you see a player in simply checking your variable for T/F? No! On it's face, these constant cavegirl demands are slaps in the face! Wurstkette, thanks, let me review. I was afraid this might come down to such actual position checking but I, being new to arma scripting, was hoping there was either a service already surfaced in the server code for this question, which is certainly reasonable, or that there was a best accepted way given that there wasn't such a service directly. Let me take a look at what you posted. TA
Actually, that's not correct, thanks for playing. Please, if you can't contribute to my problem, step back, please. I really would like to find a real answer to my question. Thanks!
Yeah, that's not right. I'm still stuck on this, hoping anyone with a good underlying grasp of Exile might know the best way to answer this question. Seems like a natural service given a player object to be able to ask this question directly. However, even if such a service is not available, someone surely know the best way to ask the question, Given the player, _x, is he in the safezone or not? Thanks
Hey, was searching here for an understanding and a fix for the miniguns still not working (vanilla exile, infiStar, ExAd only) and surely found Sad's Temp fix which, while it works, floods my server report with, 12:18:37 Cannot use magazine 5000Rnd_762x51_Belt in muzzle M134_minigun Has there been any movement on fixing this in core Exile? Is Sad's temp fix still the current best answer here? If so, has anyone chased down how to address this message and fix? With everyone always bitching about framerates, it's silly that such errors are just ignored. Anyone have an update on this? TIA
I'm still trying to get my head around the difference between baguettes and toast. Are there any cannolis? Given the size and look of the message, seems to me I like the toast idea better, this is more a simple update message to the client. As far as the code goes, I don't know how much seeing what I've got in script is any more helpful than what I've written it's really small as its just a proofing framework at the moment. Still I'll paste it below. At the moment, I'm just trying to get a message to the client every minute. Which as I said, works when I use the call to ExileServer....send_broadcast; but not when I use ExileClient.. addTemplateToast; I think my problem is that I'm still a bit foggy on the boundaries between some of the distinct subsystems. For example, the problem may be that the timer is going off within the context of the server and I'm not using or creating the proper context for the call to the ExileClient... service. Again, using the server broadcast works, and this may be the way I need to do this but I DID read that thread to which you referred and it was what made me think I needed to use toasts as I thought they were the "new" system replacing baguettes, but I'm not yet clear on these matters. But, now I'm thinking I do need to keep this in a server context, I have a related question. How can I put each player's name in the message. Say I wanted each player's message to be addressed to them directly, like, "Bob, This is my message tickle, tickle" Seems to me the server context is the right place, what's the best way to get the player name and send a custom message to that player, to each player inside the timing loop. Any additional thoughts on that are appreciated. TIA. At the end of initServer.sqf [] spawn { TIMEOF_NEXT_NOTIFICATION = 0; _code = { _this_time = time; if(_this_time > TIMEOF_NEXT_NOTIFICATION)then { _timetostart = 60; if(time > _timetostart)then { ["toastRequest", ["InfoTitleAndText", ["Message Title", "My Message Tickle Tickle"]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; //["InfoTitleAndText", ["Message Title", "My Message Tickle Tickle"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; //["My Message Tickle Tickle"] spawn ExileClient_gui_baguette_show; TIMEOF_NEXT_NOTIFICATION = time + 60; }; // if time to show }; // code msgthreadid = [0.5, _code, [], true] call ExileClient_system_thread_addtask; };
Searching here brings little on using the newest notification system but I'm trying to use this line, ["InfoTitleAndText", ["This is my Title Text!", "This is my simple message"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; Which I took simply from, ["InfoTitleAndText", ["Incoming party invite!", format ["You have been invited to join the party '%1'. Use your XM8 party app to respond.", _groupName]]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; but it leads to a plethora of errors, File exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_toaster_addToast.sqf, line 52 23:38:51 Error in expression <, _status, _statusChangeAt]]; } forEach ExileClientToasts;> 23:38:51 Error position: <ExileClientToasts;> 23:38:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: exileclienttoasts 23:38:51 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_toaster_pushToBottom.sqf, line 40 23:38:51 Error in expression <ePosition"]; disableSerialization; if !(ExileClientToastAreaVisible) exitWith { > 23:38:51 Error position: <ExileClientToastAreaVisible) exitWith { > 23:38:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: exileclienttoastareavisible 23:38:51 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_gui_toaster_addToast.sqf, line 14 Obvious the Party Invite example works, so I'm thinking... well I don't know what to think. For context this is being run in the callback for a ExileClient_system_thread_addtask; It surely sounds like I've got a scoping problem here but I'm not versed enough yet in the internals to see it. Any thoughts? TIA
Ok, I have a new local dev server running exile tanoa, ExAd for the XM8 apps and StatsBar, and InfiStar.... that's it. Now, all seems to be running fine except I had to disable Battleye, not sure why, server comes up with Battleye init failure, which despite the server port +4 being open, I still think must be a port issue but as a local dev server only, I simply turned this off for now, although any thoughts on this are equally appreciated. What I'm asking about here, however, is when I try the infiStar admin shift+5 to quick tele forward, I receive a nice toast message that this feature is disabled. I've searched the infiStar config and I'm not seeing where this is enable/disabled. My last run with this last year, v83, this worked fine. I'm currently on v90. Thoughts? TIA Spin Phd
Sorry, got it. I wasn't aware it was a toggle setting in the in-game interface. Got it! I guess I can't just delete my question.
Any solution on this? I came here searching for the same. I have a local dev server running exile tanoa, exad and infistar only and all appears well except I have to keep battleye disabled in the main config (which I think is a port issue) AND the GPS toggle doesn't bring up the gps panel. ?? Anyone?
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As I said, it's being called from the callback to an ExileClient_system_thread_addtask(), which works fine btw, except for this call to send the client a toast message. Now the callback chain initiates from initServer, in which all the default exile stuff is handled and I add the thread task at the end. Interestingly, ["toastRequest", ["InfoTitleAndText", ["This is my Title Text!", "This is my simple message"]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; works perfectly but I was concerned with sending a message back to the server to broadcast back out to the client so I tried just staying with the client and having it display its own message. Hence my attempt to use the ExileClient_...() function.
First time at this, 25 yr software engineer. Ok, plain vanilla Exile installed, now I'm just trying to figure out how to admin it... I can't walk everywhere but the debug console is hidden. Fixed that, but now it appears it doesn't work. So... how do I admin my server? Thanks.
First off, since the thread was closed already, wanted to say thanks Chris(tian) for the quick fix on my previous thread about the server shutting down saying I needed to update. I hadn't realized your script must be talking to your website (to keep it simple) so I hadn't considered such an externality figuring it was all having to do with my server and my local files. But, it's all good now, Thanks! I must say, I know BE filters are the bane of every server admin but I have spent many hours just in and out, in and out handling exceptions and filters. There's got to be an easier way. I realize it puts a big burden on the mod makers but IRL that's just the way it works, software teams must exhaustively test every button, every click, every sub-system. Here in the Houston area in the space and aviation software industries, let me tell you, the testing departments are often bigger than the development teams! But I really wish there was a better way, and especially that the community was a bit better at putting together at least a foundation of vanilla, out-of-the-box filter exception files to share. Everyone, every single server owner out there shouldn't have to do the same work over and over for a common foundation. I've written some analysis tools and hopefully one day I'll share them, the deepest string analysis algorithms are not trivial and once /I've/ finished and exhaustively tested them maybe they'll help. I know what I have done has been a big help so far along with the BE_AEG too (kudos to it's author for that!) I've made progress. I started with simple Exile, then infiSTAR and that's it and yet still, I don't know for a certainty that I'm not going to get into the game and get kicked again for some event or mouse-click that I hadn't tested. So far, I've gotten most of the obvious things handled, I've been able to spawn vehicles, tele where I want, etc. But I can't seem to open the Arsenal and I don't understand this attachto kick. Here's the log entry And here's the current filter file, Now Exile vanilla as well as what comes with infiSTAR reads as follows, So you can see the only entries I've added. What I don't understand is why the patter isn't catching on 'exile_unit_player' Any thoughts and feedback on what's going on here is much appreciated! Thanks!
What is the going wisdom for troubleshooting filters that just don't seem to "take?" I keep getting hit with this one, Despite the fact that (using BE_AEG) I've got, Added to line #2, the exception strings for the eventHandler keyword. If that doesn't work, and the BE kick keeps happening, I'm stuck on where to go next! Any thoughts or help? Thanks!
how to get rid of the battleye kicks - script restrictions...
Spin Khan replied to AFC~Gagi2~'s topic in BattlEye
I've been struggling with the colloquial and often recited advice on this as well. The problem is, this isn't enough of an explanation. In a comparison, you also have to consider the WHAT that you're making a comparison too, and THAT'S never part of the guides or the shared information. So, what you've explained, "sounds" good but look at it closer: !"CUP_C_Golf4_black_Civ" Should, just the same, exempt ONLY the black civilian golf. and !="CUP_" should, just the same, exempt ONLY and ALL that begin with the pattern. How at these functionally different? YES, What you provide as a "pattern" effects what it ultimately matched, but, /given the current explanation/ the choice of '!' or '!=' is irrelevant. The missing piece here is, WHAT are they being compared TO? THAT's the only part of this puzzle that makes this distinction an actual distinction! Until we fully understand that, functionally, as the explanation stands, there is no difference in But I can't find any deeper explanation for all this! Thoughts? -
I appreciate the feedback despite the broken English. I can pick up plenty to at least try and research in the right direction. Let's be clear. THIS is the default infiSTAR attachto.txt: Let's pull our heads out: You don't really think I got from THERE to my current one IF IT WAS WORKING? SMH! But I'll work on it. The double Entry was simply an oversight. Many thanks! #NewFact - if you mean "no offense" don't be offensive Son. It's not about my focus or my efforts and you're really in no place to be a douche about it. This is a forum for questions, I simply asked one, you can choose to respond or not but the self-righteous attitude isn't required nor helpful. I don't know your background, but if you had one in the software industry you'd better understand my comment. NO ONE expects you do be perfect or be able to do EVERYTHING. And while I'm thankful for what you made me PAY for, the reality IS that a TON of BE exceptions have to be added just to get your addon to work out the box. Challenges aside, In The Real World, software, especially software one pays for, whether it's $30 or $3000 simply doesn't work this way. But I'm not here to debate nor argue with you on this, but be careful talking to courteous people just asking a question!
Here's the full kick from the scripts.log, Now, since this was a RemoveAllEventHandlers call I thought it was pretty safe to try and simplify it, so I tried, to no avail! This is the first exception filter string that's totally got me stumped! Any thoughts? Thanks!
Anyone know anything about this BE kick? It seems to not be taking this exception string. This one was created by BE_AEG which has done great so far.... I'm at a loss? Thanks!
I've set up the adminNameTags, and I've also set the SuperAdmin for myself. My ID is in both lists, but I'm still seen as admin when I enter without the admin tag. It would appear this feature is either not working or one can't be both SuperAdmin and have NameTags enforced. Can you confirm or clarify? Many thanks!
Yes, yes, I get it... looking at it again, it would seem the hidden concept of the Super would conflict with this. I sort of like aspects of both, I guess I'll have to forgo the Super...
I'm trying to set my default view distances on the server end. Searching thru infiSTAR config turns up, of course the, settings. However, when I enter the server it's back down to 1500 or so I think... I am surrounded by hills that just look like grass. Now, all I have is vanilla Exile and infiSTAR going on at the moment but I'm concerned that these setting are not taking effect. Am I missing something? Is there another setting somewhere? Thoughts appreciated. Thanks!
Great I'm happy for you. And I'm glad you edited your comment. What I don't understand is the hostility. You don't know anything about me, you don't know my background. But I'm obviously learning a lot about you. Still what I don't understand is what I've said already, "there's not much else that can be said with 'plain vanilla exile out of the box.'" In the end, *I've* had start and restart, enter and leave the game over and over again and yes, ALL because of BE filters AND Exile mod. But hey, if it makes you feel good, shit on me all you want, I'm all about duty, honor, country. But, you may want to reconsider my milk offer! Thanks!