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Everything posted by dima054

  1. dima054

    Public Virtual Garage

    Idk, getting Invite invalid. p.s. It worked if adding directly in discord, sorry.
  2. dima054

    Public Virtual Garage

    https://discord.gg/M7WMUeR link is dead
  3. I keep hearing from players that the ammo is gone on restarts, but some vehicles do load ammo fine. We run cup and rhs. Will try to find some pattern.
  4. Got this on the latest version: https://pastebin.com/7jJTTC5k
  5. dima054

    Exile Loot Drop DLL

  6. dima054

    Infistar exile

    Будет кикать, настроишь потихоньку в инфистаре и баттлае.
  7. dima054

    Infistar exile

    3 минуты если читать инструкцию.
  8. dima054

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    Owning 3 scripts from Stokes. Recommended.
  9. dima054

    Debug Command for Processes

    maybe {diag_log str _x} forEach diag_activeSQFScripts; will output them into rpt
  10. dima054

    Debug Command for Processes

    maybe {diag_log str _x} forEach diag_activeSQFScripts;
  11. dima054

    Exile 1.0.4 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!

    That was always like that.
  12. dima054

    Infistar exile

    Списка нет, фичи необходимые для администрации и защиты эксайла
  13. dima054

    Infistar exile

    Да, в инфи эксайла встроенны куча фич для эксайла. Инфистар А3 вообще не факт что заработает на эксайле.
  14. dima054

    Main Loop Stopped

    Latest infistar exile beta version has a fix for it.
  15. dima054

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Fixed. Kneeling. Thanks!
  16. dima054

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Basically it's not reading current respect for some reason. Previous Respect: '0' 27.03.2018 20:04:57: CRATE SOLD AT WASTEDUMP: 'xxx' (xxxxxxxxx) Sold for '3171.6' Pop Tabs and '253.728' Respect. Previous Money: '53924', Previous Respect: '0'. New Money: '57096' New Respect: '254'. Crate Contents: [["Exile_Item_Codelock","Exile
  17. dima054

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Same issue with respect. Changing 0.8 to 1 doesn't help. Did anyone find a solution?
  18. dima054

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    I helped to chainsaw to install it and he's good now
  19. dima054

    [IMPORTANT] BattlEye kicks player who lost once the connection

    I have the same issue with BE and not only on Exile. Some players get kicked once and then can't connect until server restart. Verifying everything, rebooting, doesn't help.
  20. dima054

    Looking for basic.cfg Advice

    I am using these values that Dave from MGT was kind enough to give me. They fixed desync. //from DB(Dave) MaxMsgSend=512; MaxSizeGuaranteed=768; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=256; MinErrorToSend=0.006; MinErrorToSendNear=0.05; MaxCustomFileSize=0; //end from DB(Dave)
  21. dima054

    Merge exad vg with new vg?

    It gives a bit of a loophole for players to store stolen vehicles from a known person and discover their base/safe/credit card pins.
  22. dima054

    Exile 1.0.4 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!

    For some players some vehicles won't fetch from VG. It says "Vehicle does not belong to this territory". Other vehicles work fine. Problematic ones have territory_id, have nick, everything look similar to ones that work. But they won't fetch. x64, no database errors. Relog and server restart didn't fix that. https://pastebin.com/VJGhhdDT
  23. dima054

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    So you either didnt update your .ini file or some other overrides are messing with it. Did you go and compare and merge all your old overrides with 1.0.4 server files?
  24. dima054

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    It is out already. 1.0.4a
  25. dima054

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Did you copy the actual files from exile server and fix the typo and paste them in mission.pbo?