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Everything posted by Serpz

  1. Serpz


    Hi Snibs No problem! Yes i loved the tuanus map as well used to play on a german server for a while and must admit i love that map! So yes would be good if you could get it going as id would like to get on there too! let me know when your ready to test i volunteer for it!
  2. Serpz


    Im not a developer, but most maps can be used to be honest. You have to create mission files etc as seen as the map has only just come out so atm your proberbly on your own with it. I did watch a video once, cant remember who though! it show that if you got your server ready with exile files then the map you want and any adon mods that the map requires to run it correctly! So for instance just say youve hired a server and exile, your map, and any supporting mods that the map needs are loaded onto it. ok then if you go into MPmissions folder you will proberbly see Exile.Altis, Exile.Malden, Exile.Tanoa! Right now choose one of those and change the name to Exile.Rosthe ok and load the server. If your start bat line is correct and matches folders in root directory and map and mods needed are correct the server will automatically make a mission file for you and then you should be able to load in if all is good that is! But you will then need to make traders, spawns, loot spawns and so on! Also dont forget to change the name in the server config file to match your Exile.Rosthe.pbo ok! Hope this helps
  3. @Smilingwolf It would be simlar to when you make map edits in arma 3 editor and then place them on your server you would check them first by inserting a player so you can run around and look how your map edits look,feel, if they work correctly ie simulation doors opening etc. So i think if you go into the salt flats mission and look for the buildings that are added into that mission when it spawns, and look for simulation or enable simulation and change that, i beleive you will be able to then open the doors etc on the buildings.
  4. Serpz

    EBM vector building

    I have simlar issues with this script and EBM, I am using the free version epoch one. Everything seemed ok at first some build lag when placing but seemed to sort them selfs out except i can not rotate any parts via Q&E, i have treid it on most of the objects and it will not even work on concrete panels so im stumped as i have follfollowed the instructions and reinstalled with the same effect. Has anybody else come across this problem at all?
  5. Ok so i istalled it and i get news flash when i load into server saying admin toolkit is used on this server, but when i press f2 it does not work. But when i go into arma 3 editor to do a map edit for instance and place a unit, it works with f2 and menu pops up and seems too be ok. Any ideas why it might not in multiplayer? cheers
  6. Serpz

    help me you were kicked off the game

    Maybe only certain symbols are allowed ie - numbers and letters. So it will not allow it as it does not recognise it.
  7. Serpz

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Thanks Brenner! I will give this a try later this evening. cheers
  8. Serpz

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Hi Gyuys I want to remove the view settings feature of the XM8 so everyone is on a level playing field in regards to grass being present etc, Can some please tell how to remove without affecting the rest of the MX8? cheers
  9. Serpz

    Territory upgrades respect bound

    some people hey! tut tut!
  10. Serpz

    I want Forest Altis map

    Must admit that it is a great idea! thumbs up from me!
  11. Serpz

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    thanks kyle for the swift reply! ;p
  12. Serpz

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    @red_ned I am trying to add arma 3 skins to my server and i am wondering how i go about this as i have your easy trader installed on my server and i am unsure on how to integrate this with your mod? Arma 3 skins has a class names list and that is it so i have to create pricelist etc but yours are hpp files so it has thrown me out on where to start and DayZ lad whos mod it is has been off line for 41 days so im not sure who else to ask on this and thought you may be able to help me at all? cheers
  13. Serpz

    Exile Player Rewards

    Great script! i like the message on your desktop please activate windows lol
  14. Serpz

    4 Types of Side Events

    cheers bro!
  15. Serpz

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Just a quick question regarding this, Afriend has given me initserver.sqf (Trader layout buildings etc but no actual traders) so is it possible for me to reverse engineer what he gave me and add the buildings into the arma 3 editor as it is not the same code as a mission.sqm file. If i can get his layout into editor then i can place the missing traders................... well thats the plan but is it possible?
  16. Serpz

    Addons helicrash arma 3 Exile

    Thank you!
  17. Serpz

    Addons helicrash arma 3 Exile

    Ok this is good nice job! How do i change the name of the mission in game as it apears on the map? as it is in russain cheers
  18. Serpz

    Chernarus Redux Mission File w/Loot (Exile 1.0.4)

    NVM ive read its a corrupted download that causes this.
  19. Serpz

    Chernarus Redux Mission File w/Loot (Exile 1.0.4)

    This my report log which says conflicting issues. Any ideas guys? usredux_buildings_proxies in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_2t1\proxy\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i1\proxy\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon chernarusredux_buildings_proxies in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_2i\proxy\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i1\proxy\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon chernarusredux_buildings_proxies in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i2\proxy\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i1\proxy\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon chernarusredux_buildings_proxies in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_2l\proxy\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i1\proxy\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon DSHouses in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_2t2\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i4\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon chernarusredux_buildings_proxies in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_1l2\proxy\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i1\proxy\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon DSHouses in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i2\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i4\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon DSHouses in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_1t\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i4\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon DSHouses in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_2l\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i4\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon DSHouses in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i1\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i4\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon DSHouses in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_2t1\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i4\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon chernarusredux_buildings_proxies in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_2t2\proxy\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i1\proxy\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon chernarusredux_buildings_proxies in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i3\proxy\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i1\proxy\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon DSHouses in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_2i\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i4\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon DSHouses in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_1l2\', previous definition in 'CHR\chernarusredux_buildings\ds_houses\a2_housev_3i4\' 19:40:01 Conflicting addon A3_Structures_F_Exp in 'a3\structures_f_exp\', previous definition in 'a3\structures_f_exp\data\Tiles\' 19:40:03 Warning Message: Addon 'ChernarusRedux' requires addon 'CUP_Buildings2_Data'
  20. Serpz

    question about running

    Are you on about auto run feature? press 0 and it seems to run faster?
  21. Serpz

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Link is broke can not down load? NVM Sorted it cheers
  22. Serpz

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Link is broke can not down load?
  23. he could of said thx! lmao
  24. Yeah i looked at other traders and they had dissapeared too, not sure why but just reinstalled and all good now thx!
  25. Serpz

    4 Types of Side Events

    Has anybody managed to get this working on tanoa at all?