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About glam4x

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  • Birthday 10/30/1989

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  1. Hemm)) I'm not sure that they are needed, I inserted them for visual formatting, the code inside) But if it works for you ...)
  2. 1. Press F3 (open infistar console window) 2. On main(central) window paste code "["blackhawkdown"] call DMS_fnc_SpawnBanditMission;" 3. And click on "SERVER" button below 4. Wait 1 sec, TADAM!!! Mission blackhawkdown spawned!
  3. Working!!! Thank you very much NED! I did not see the console in the infistar))) This gives great opportunities ...
  4. Hi guys! Interested in the question, can I run the mission manually while the server is running? I want to create events and I do not know how to conveniently do it, now I create objects in the editor and then add it via initServer, but it's not convenient and requires restarting the server... If you could run an already created special mission using infistar or something like that, it would be nice, but I did not see that ((( Is it possible to have some tools for the events? Share your experience)
  5. glam4x

    Attachment dupe on Traders

    Good day to all! I use the RHS mod and found the problem of the appearance of muzzle caps for weapons when selling any items. No matter from the car or from the backpack, I sell something, if there is any AK then when selling any item from the inventory there appears a muzzle head (( Can I solve the problem without removing this weapon from the game? I hope for help, thank you!
  6. glam4x


    WACK ZONE EXILE |ChernarusRedux|RHS|Zombies|Patrols| Server IP: Required Mods: Exile CUP Terrains – Core Chernarus Redux DS Houses Zombies and Demons Enhanced Movement RHSAFRF RHSUSAF Server Features: Chernarus Redux Map !!! RHS Stuff Custom Trades Custom loot tables and placement Heli Crashes Advanced Vehicle System Vehicle Towing Player Revive
  7. Yes of course) I was pleased to help, I love when people help each other I still have some small changes, but they are still raw and maybe not much needed by people. Surprised that RZ zombies do not have inventory and can not wear clothes ... You can replace only the changed piece of code that I posted, or open the spoiler below and copy everything from it and replace everything in the file fn_postInit.sqf. Maybe I'm not speaking correctly in English, my native language is Russian ... Just download and replace the file)
  8. Добрый день! Immediately sorry for my English) When I started tweaking addon settings, I also ran into the same problem. The algorithm for choosing a class of zombies by weight did not work correctly and produced crawling zombies in huge numbers. It did not suit me and I decided to solve this problem... The reason for the problem is that the algorithm for recalculating weights for zombie spawn does not suggest that you will use one zClass in several types of triggers. And you did it, right? And I, too, and it's logical to use the already set up class in towns and villages. For each type of trigger there is a recalculation of the weights for zombie spawn and if there are one zClass in several triggers, then it is recalculated several times, creating incorrect weights (this is simple). I corrected the algorithm slightly by prohibiting it from processing already recalculated zClasses. Now everything works well and you can use one zClass in all triggers. Replace this piece of code in the file fn_postInit.sqf : //Create Triggers _zgroupsArray = []; if (EZM_UseTriggers) then { { _useThisTrigger = _x select 0; _triggerPositions = _x select 1; if (_useThisTrigger) then { //Weight Zombie Group _currentTrigger = _x; _zgroup = _currentTrigger select 13; if (EZM_Debug) then { diag_log format["ExileZ Mod: Compounding Zombie Group Weight, Selected Group Trigger Index : %1",_forEachIndex]; }; if !(_zgroup in _zgroupsArray) then { _count = 0; { _count = _count + (_x select 1); if (EZM_Debug) then { diag_log format["ExileZ Mod: Zombie Type Index : %1 Weight : %2 Compound Weight Value : %3",_forEachIndex,_x select 1,_count]; }; (_zgroup select _forEachIndex) set [1,_count]; } foreach (_zgroup); _zgroupsArray append [_zgroup]; } else { if (EZM_Debug) then { diag_log "ExileZ Mod: Compounding Weight For This Zombie Group Already Done!"; }; }; //Create triggers { nul = [_x,_CurrentTrigger] spawn EZM_CreateTriggers; sleep 0.01; }foreach (_triggerPositions); }; }foreach EZM_Triggers; }; Or replace all: This is not the most correct solution, it would be more elegant to place all zClasses in a common array and recalculate separately from the triggers. But this is init code and it works once, so it's not so important. Good luck
  9. Hello. Is there any way to offload the zombies to the client? Will it be in development plans? Because 70 zombies load my server at 80-90% and reduce FPS (2x3.0Ghz Intel). Thanks.
  10. Hi all. Sorry I'm noob yet) I need a little help, I do not understand and did not work with BE filters... On my server I do not use infistar, now only BE. And I do not understand what and how I must paste in BE files For example, in guide: Remoteexec.txt: !"ZMPKilled" !"Reloaded" In my standart remoteexec.txt: //new 7 "" !="true" !="vehicle this land 'LAND'" !="exileserver_system_network_dispatchincomingmessage.*" !="bis_fnc_effectkilledairdestruction.*" How should I insert it? Do not just paste it, right? //new 7 "" !="true" !="vehicle this land 'LAND'" !="exileserver_system_network_dispatchincomingmessage.*" !="bis_fnc_effectkilledairdestruction.*" !"ZMPKilled" !"Reloaded" Sorry for stupidity, please help...
  11. glam4x

    RHS Grenades not work!

    Good evening everyone! Added RHS to the server, and found that the RHS grenades do not work, I can not throw all the Russian grenades, I can buy, I see in the inventory, but I can not throw (( The interface also does not display that I have grenades. USAF grenades also do not always work, but after reconnection it seems to be normal, but AFRF grenades do not work at all. I ask help how to solve this problem.
  12. Спасибо, жду)
  13. glam4x

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hello! I have a problem! (( One of the missions always appears outside the map, in water. Map - Napf. I changed config settings many times and nothing helped. Who knows what's the reason? Help plaese... DMS config:
  14. Добрый день, начал делать свой сервер, вроде бы разобрался более менее, но в рпт куча ошибок и инфы по их устранения как то не нашел, хотя в общем сервер работает, но иногда крашится почему то. (( Моды: @CUP Terrains - Core, @CUP Terrains - Maps, @Napf Island A3, @RHSAFRF, @RHSUSAF, @SM_Zombz, @Zombies and Demons Вот самое частое: Вот весь рпт, там еще куча ошибок, он большой: