[SeC8] ArchNemesis

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About [SeC8] ArchNemesis

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  1. [SeC8] ArchNemesis

    1.68 Bugs Megathread Discussion

    Sorry if this has already been discussed... Well I mean obviously it has been at length. However, i found something interesting that may or may not be causing the problem. These errors (albeit well discussed) 20:40:39 Error compiling '' in 'HitPelvis' 20:40:39 Error compiling '' in 'HitAbdomen' 20:40:39 Error compiling '' in 'HitDiaphragm' 20:40:39 Error compiling '' in 'HitChest' 20:40:39 Error compiling '' in 'HitArms' 20:40:39 Error compiling '' in 'HitLegs' Are still happening for me even after applying the fix extending the hitpoints table to varchar 1024 It's not a huge problem as it doesn't really seem to break anything other than flooding my log and making it difficult to read. That being said, I was looking through my database and came across something interesting perhaps. Clients after 1.68 update have this [["face_hub",0],["neck",0],["head",0],["pelvis",0],["spine1",0],["spine2",0],["spine3",0],["body",0],["arms",0],["hands",0],["legs",0],["body",0]] Clients before the 1.68 update have this [["face_hub",0],["neck",0],["head",0],["pelvis",0],["spine1",0],["spine2",0],["spine3",0],["body",0],["arms",0],["hands",0],["legs",0]] Notice a difference? Yeah, there are two body variables, I did some testing with this and it seems to not throw the errors if I remove all the trailing body variables, But if a player takes damage it appears to re-add the second body variable and the errors start again. I could be wrong, Perhaps it's supposed to be there, but I thought i would post it here in case it can help lead to a fix.
  2. [SeC8] ArchNemesis

    [FIXED][LINUX]Call extension 'extDB2' could not be found

    Not real sure about that one, mine didn't throw any of those errors, mine doesn't have a lot of addons though so, venturing a guess that it is addon related
  3. [SeC8] ArchNemesis

    [FIXED][LINUX]Call extension 'extDB2' could not be found

    You probably didn't copy the .so file first do this Navigate to the folder @ExileServer then execute the following commands. cp -rf extDB/ extdb-conf.ini extDB2.so ../ then execute the following cd ../ then mv extDB2.so @ExileServer\\extDB2.so Then try starting the server again.
  4. [SeC8] ArchNemesis

    1.68 Bugs Megathread Discussion

    This may or may not be already posted (Didn't find any specifics) Had a server running on the previous version (1.66?) Since steam pushed out the update for 1.68 client today I updated my server, and it appears to be broken now. Looks like an issue with loading extDB2.so (linux server) I have the latest extDB2 version 71 was working flawlessly before the update. I thought it might have something to do with the release of 64bit code, but from what I can tell the server is still running 32bit so it shouldn't be happening. Arma 3 Console version1.68.140908 x86 : port 2302 Call extension 'extDB2' could not be found 23:56:56 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!" 23:56:56 "ExileServer - Please have a look at @ExileServer/extDB/logs/ to find out what went wrong." 23:56:56 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Unable to locate extDB2 extension!" 23:56:56 "ExileServer - Server will shutdown now :(" Call extension 'extDB2' could not be found I can usually troubleshoot server issues, but this one I can't find anything wrong like I, say it was working perfectly before the update, Does anyone know if there is another lib required for the new version to work?