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About Phantomz

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  • Birthday October 1

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  1. Phantomz

    Realistic Loot

    You have no idea buddy.. I know 27 people alone that legally own full auto's.. There is also no limit to how many America can have.. Think about gun shops, gun enthusiast, illegal ones, many more. there is hundreds of thousands of them in the U.S. if not more. All it takes to get one is money other than waiting a year for paperwork ,trust me I know first hand.
  2. Phantomz

    Stop updating so often.

    First of all, you can easily see that there are like 4 other post about the same shit... Second, Im so sick and tired of ignorant people saying stupid shit like you.
  3. Phantomz

    Safe zones... Too safe?!

    Im thinking of making a map edited junk yard and having all vehicles moved there after restart that are in safezone, I do not think this should be implemented into the mod itself IMHO.
  4. Phantomz

    Thank you to the Devs

    This Right Here. +9000. Thank You Exile Team !!
  5. Phantomz

    Thermal Scanner Duping

    Every time the thermal scanner is used it dupes multiple times, I spawned in with admin tools not sure if in loot table ill have to see.
  6. Phantomz

    Realistic Loot

    I agree, hopefully when the mod is done and stable they may make the download a bit bigger adding some vehicles and weapons.
  7. Phantomz

    4 versions in 24 hours? This is ridiculous

    LOL little to no content? How does this have little to no content? When you start building a mod you have a map and that's it.. No looting or anything. Can you do anything close to what they have done in 2 months? no, Epoch cant even do what Exile has done in the amount of time. The whining from all of you is getting quite ridiculous, if you don't like this mod then leave it alone and quit whining and gain some common sense. Like i said above Exile actually listens to its community and cares what people say but all the whining and crying is getting out of hand, all you people need to do is try and understand what they have done in just a few months.
  8. Phantomz

    4 versions in 24 hours? This is ridiculous

    1st. 2nd. People complain that updates don't come fast enough and then there is updates released and you complain... this is amazing.. Do what you want, dont host a server or wait 24h to see if they will keep pushing. Exile cares about its community and doesnt want servers hosting a broken version of the mod, Humans make mistakes and especially developers with only a few people.. The amount of work they have done in 1 1/2 months is insane and not comparable to any other mods out there except BP maybe.. This is insane.. 3rd. Quit Whining
  9. Phantomz

    Pinlock unlocker/hacker/cracker

    it does work, you need to go to a recently unlocked door and scroll then it will show the keys pressed then you have to guess the order
  10. Phantomz

    20+ good Idea's

    Says there is no point in base raiding yet fails to realize there is a point. If you can find this part somewhere then yes there is a point, but without it there is no point. This magical part is a Thermal Scanner.
  11. Phantomz

    Arma 3 and arma 2

    I heard a while back that once they are finished with the mod and it is stable with everything implemented they may then add weapons and vehicles but for now they are trying to keep the mod stable and a small download.
  12. Phantomz

    Vehicle Balancing

    I have to agree, The Strider is a vehicle that has all the perks as of now, speed, armor, and capacity.. While it doesn't even have room to hold anything like the Hunter or Ifrit. Nothing should have all the good perks, Personally I think the Ifrit should have speed, hunter has capacity, Strider has armor. This is my opinion with many others and the pick-ups and hemmts definitively need to be balanced
  13. Phantomz

    Realistic Loot

    You have to remember atleast in America there are many civilians with "semi auto" and "full auto" assault rifles as well as some expensive long range precision rifles, like myself. But I can agree with you to an extent
  14. Phantomz

    Pinlock unlocker/hacker/cracker

    A thermal scanner thingy was added, I think you can only find it via looting however I spawned it to test it. Every time it is used for now it dupes multiple of them sadly. But very neat things and not OP at all
  15. Phantomz

    Updates coming fast like grenades

    People complain that updates don't come fast enough and then there is updates released and you complain... this is amazing.. Do what you want, dont host a server or wait 24h to see if they will keep pushing. Exile cares about its community and doesnt want servers hosting a broken version of the mod, Humans make mistakes and especially developers with only a few people.. The amount of work they have done in 1 1/2 months is insane and not comparable to any other mods out there except BP maybe.. This is insane..