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About sanyesz5

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  1. sanyesz5

    Closed doors

    Hi! Since the last update arma, restart the server after each base doors is closed. What is the solution to the problem? Thanks!
  2. sanyesz5

    Value Restriction #0 "sa_tow_ropes"

    Hi! My problem: Value Restriction #0 "sa_tow_ropes" = [] 2:512 Exile_Car_UAZ_Green Is that it works, that is not working, random, doing more than one vehicle, what the problem is? Thanks!
  3. sanyesz5


    Hi all! How to add all CUP weapons createvehicles.txt? Only one by one? Thanks!
  4. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

    Not work.....
  5. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

    -ip= -port=2322 -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=4096 -exThreads=7 -cfg=config.cfg -config=server.cfg -profiles=profile -servermod="@Exileserver;@A3XAI;@a3_dms" -mod="@Exile;@CUP_Weapons;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Units;@CBA_A3;@Extended_Base_Mod"
  6. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

    My folders: Folders
  7. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

  8. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

    They dislodged the lines, what does that change original format be?
  9. sanyesz5

    Kick after death
  10. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

  11. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

    It does not work, the same error .... Thanks!
  12. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

    Hi! My problem: #10 "call ExileClient_object_player_event_unhook; if !(ExileClientLastDeathMarker isEqualTo "") then { deleteMarkerLocal ExileClient" Added 12 line scripts.txt: !="call ExileClient_object_player_event_unhook;\nif !(ExileClientLastDeathMarker isEqualTo \"\") then \n{\ndeleteMarkerLocal ExileClient" Not work, suicice, kill NPC Battleye kick! Thanks!
  13. sanyesz5

    Kick after death

    Hi! My problem: #10 "call ExileClient_object_player_event_unhook; if !(ExileClientLastDeathMarker isEqualTo "") then { deleteMarkerLocal ExileClient" Added 12 line scripts.txt: !="call ExileClient_object_player_event_unhook;\n\nif !(ExileClientLastDeathMarker isEqualTo "") then \n\n{\n\ndeleteMarkerLocal ExileClient" Not work, suicice, kill NPC Battleye kick! Thanks!
  14. sanyesz5

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Thanks! How many NPC recommended Altis? Air und Ground unit, thanks! link
  15. sanyesz5

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hi! Installed A3XAI, all fine, ai patrol, air patrol vehicles. + Install DMS missions, all ok, play missions, patrol ai no, no air patrol. What is the problem? Thanks!