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Everything posted by SILENTHERO


    [Release] DMS Chernarus Static AI Base Mission

    I need some help with this, for some reason, i edited all the AI vics and the vics that spawn in will not change still the same 2 off road armed. Also i changed the name of the mission in the sqf and it doesnt change. i enabled the CUP vics for the AI and the arma vics, both lists are about 15 vics long and still the only the 2 that spawn are the 2 off road. there is no where else to edit the vic types correct? its only the 1 sqf. do you have a solution for this?

    Extended Base Mod

    Has anyone else noticed the Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F_Kit is broken? you can place one just fine, but when you go to place the second one the first one goes invisible. and if you try to snap them while they are invisible it bugs out your screen. Does anyone have a fix to this?

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    Ok so the Files are working just fine except for the loot that is suppose to be in the crate. I customized the loot in the crate for each anomaly, but when they spawn its just the same old boring building supplies. it makes the missions not worth doing. So the question is why customize the loot in the file if its not going to show up in game? Its like nothing was done to it.

    Harvest Weed

    For some reason my server will restart every 5 min once I put all this in? are there any clues?

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Yeah i have installed the edits and files in the correct places and now nothing works. no lifting or towing crate loading.

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    So is there a final fix to this problem? Right now we are using the R3F crate loading, but can not sell crate. If this has been fixed where can I DL the latest and greatest files? Can someone please help?

    Custom Respect Loadouts Preconfigured

    So what was the fix? i copied this exactly and still not working. can you please help?

    How to create database?

    I need help setting up a database. I have a server through blue fang solutions, they gave me all my MySql database login info. but idk how to set it all up. i went to the MySql. net and downloaded the folder but i cant find a file for install. Can someone please set me down the right path?

    Hiring Someone who understands SQL Query

    i need help with this also please!

    players spawn in ground

    ok i have players that are spawning in the ground as rabbits and i have to delete their player out of the database so they can play, is there anyway to fix this?

    Destroying exile base parts

    Ok we have recently discovered that all the EBM materials and Exile construction materials can be destroyed will satchel charges and AT rockets. From our experience the EBM materials and buildings have always been indestructible but can now be destroyed. And the Exile materials such as concrete walls and floors can now be destroyed with satchel charges and rockets, tanks and apc's. In the past you always had to use the designated charges "BigMommas" to destroy concrete walls and doors. Is this the new Exile? or is something funky going on in my server? please let me know. Thank you!

    Destroying exile base parts

    it really levels out the server, and the players that have alot of money cant rule the server. you shoot down their attack heli, they have to have a gas mask to buy another one, cant just go buy one right after the other.

    Destroying exile base parts

    we have all the tanks and jets and helis but they are all in a black market in a rad zone, so you have to have a gas mask to go to the black market to buy tanks and attack helis. but gas masks can only be found in rare mission loot.

    Destroying exile base parts

    it says with the update that nothing has changed

    Destroying exile base parts

    my EMB is up to 3.0 the mo has updated to 3.0.1 but the update didn't seem to contain anything special, i can update and see what happens

    Destroying exile base parts

    Can anyone tell me if it is suppose to be this way? tanks and rocket and explosives can destroy the Exile building materials but they come back after restart.

    Destroying exile base parts

    well from the reading the EBM update on armaholics, the EBM pieces are suppose to be this way. but that does not explain the Exile materials.

    Destroying exile base parts

    yes it is the regular exile from the A3L, no special version.

    Picking Safes with knives

    I need some help figuring out how to add in a line for knives to be able to be used to pick safes and containers. i hope this topic hasnt been posted, but i would greatly appreciate the help.

    server will not run with out me on? lol

    i added it, it worked! thank you very much!

    server will not run with out me on? lol

    Ok i have a very strange situation happening. my server is on a 4 hour restart schedule. 2,6,10 est. when i get home from work i will be on from 4pm to 10 pm. then i have to go to bed to go to work. but for the past few nights my server has gone retarded after the 2am restart. and players cant connect for up to 2 or 3 restarts, but when i get home i connect just fine and then everyone else can connect just fine. we thought it was just a hicup during one restart but it has done it every night for the past few nights. during the same restart. my server host is blue fang solutions, the server is not based on my computer. this makes no since to me at all. if there is any one that could shine some light on this it would be great. thank you

    server will not run with out me on? lol

    have you had a chance to look it all over?

    server will not run with out me on? lol

    my host is blue fang solutions.