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  1. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    @tinboye thank you so much for the reply I'll try your db and ini now and get back to you (and yes im backing up my version just so im not back to square one lol)
  2. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    @tinboye Did ya ever manage to figure what went wrong? I still can't seem to get it and at this point im open to whatever.
  3. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    @tinboye that was this occurence. currently there are no errors in the db, but the server still has bambi creation timeout.
  4. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    This is my extdb-conf file just incase there is something wrong in there (removed passwords for safety)
  5. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    Alright situation update. I have no errors in the MySQL workbench when I executed the SQL and i still have the bambi timeout. http://pastebin.com/FkPNZT8c
  6. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    @tinboye Alright, now the only error in the db is the following: 23:31:35 /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=IFNULL(@OLD_SQL_MODE, '') */ 0 row(s) affected, 1 warning(s): 3135 'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release. 0.016 sec
  7. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    so if my sql isn't like this would i be able to copy the following and actually use it since this actually works? lmao P.S. you've been so much help to me and I am very greatful so far
  8. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    @tinboye I found a syntax error actually in my sql for the server /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=IF(@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS IS NULL, 1, @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS) */; says unexpected input for "/*" and "SET" in the line above (i underlined the errors)
  9. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    @tinboye yes.
  10. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    @tinboye Okay i think it's not using the right ini i one that says my-default.ini which is a template and then i have one which is the one i have all configured. i just noticed it isnt using it, any idea how to switch the my.ini it uses?
  11. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    @tinboye i have taken it out of the sql i used but it still is strict?
  12. D3sync

    Bambi timeout problem

    Alright so I've been working on this for a few days now everything is in order for the most part but I have a problem (bug) and a question. I'll ask the question first. When you get your DB set up and players join the server, does it create an account 'account' and add them to 'players' tab or do they not get added to the 'players' DB until they spawn in? Okay now to the bug: Server RPT: http://pastebin.com/wjhtPzqf So here is the section of the RPT from my server where I had my friend join my server. He didn't actually get in but he made it to the location spawn screen, spawned (tried to anyway) and was kicked for bambi creation timeout. If any more info is needed don't be afraid to ask. I just want this thing to work lol
  13. D3sync

    Stuck in ground

    @tinboye Thanks for the help but i have a different problem. I restarted my work and now have the "bambi creation timeout" bug which i have made a different post on. Also I don't know how to close a post. :\
  14. D3sync

    Bambi Creation Timeout

    @Hakimos how might i reset it ive tried a couple things but idk if it reset or not? The login and pass are the same though
  15. D3sync

    Bambi Creation Timeout

    Alright so I've been working on this for a few days now everything is in order for the most part but I have a problem (bug) and a question. I'll ask the question first. When you get your DB set up and players join the server, does it create an account 'account' and add them to 'players' tab or do they not get added to the 'players' DB until they spawn in? Okay now to the bug: Server RPT: http://pastebin.com/wjhtPzqf So here is the section of the RPT from my server where I had my friend join my server. He didn't actually get in but he made it to the location spawn screen, spawned (tried to anyway) and was kicked for bambi creation timeout. If any more info is needed don't be afraid to ask. I just want this thing to work lol