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  1. Lucifarius

    Custom Crafting - Tutorial

    Hi All, Apologies if this has been asked. I have a similar question. If 'Or' can't be used, am I able to create items using any parent asset classes? For instance, if I wanted to make matches using sticks, pliers and say 'Exile_Item_Bullets'? which would then allow using the 556 and 762 rounds? Best Regards, Lucifarius
  2. Lucifarius

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hi Yung, If I'm right, the error you are seeing is at the end of your RPT log. This is the resulting situation. If you start at the top and search for DMS. The first DMS related problem you can see is: 23:35:48 Warning Message: Script \x\addons\dms\map_configs\winthera3_config.sqf not found Your DMS mod is looking for winthera3_config.sqf and can't find it. This file is used by DMS to specify the area in which it can attempt to spawn missions. If you have one present, you may wish to check for typo's in that area. If you don't have one, you can simply create one. I don't know the map myself, but if it based on Panthera, the contents of said file might look something like this: /* Custom configs for Winthera (Panthera). Based on Panthera Sample by eraser1 All of these configs exist in the main config. The configs below will simply override any config from the main config. Explanations to all of these configs also exist in the main config. */ DMS_findSafePosBlacklist = [ //Insert position blacklists here. ]; // Let missions spawn closer to water, since we aren't spoiled for choice with all of the steep terrain. DMS_WaterNearBlacklist = 200; // Panthera is super hilly/mountain-y, so we allow a tolerance of up to a 30 degree slope. DMS_MinSurfaceNormal = 0.85; // Thanks to JamieKG from Eternal Gamer for telling me about these optimized values :) DMS_SpawnZoneNearBlacklist = 1500; DMS_TraderZoneNearBlacklist = 1500; // Comment out the below configs if you want missions to be able to spawn on the islands surrounding the mainland. DMS_MinDistFromWestBorder = 1500; DMS_MinDistFromEastBorder = 1000; DMS_MinDistFromSouthBorder = 1500; DMS_MinDistFromNorthBorder = 2500;
  3. Lucifarius

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Yep. Mega Stupid it is then... I probably had multiple folders open and screwed with the wrong set of files. I've downloaded the source again and it works like a charm. Thanks Kuplion. Sometimes, just knowing that it still works on another system is all it takes.
  4. Lucifarius

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Damn. Ok. That's annoying. So it might be me then. I'm going to get back to you. I'll re-download and try again, just in case I've been mega stupid and overwritten my source files folder. I'll report back.
  5. Lucifarius

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Thank goodness. At least I didn't do something silly.
  6. Lucifarius

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Hi Guys, This was working for me before the Arma update this week. After the update, no wrecks are spawning. RPT says: 19:27:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: _countwrecks 19:27:11 File BigfootsShipwrecks_Server\code\ExileServer_BigfootsShipwrecks_maintainShipwrecksCommand.sqf, line 9 I tried replacing that particular sqf file with an original because I am just the type of person to make an error while tweaking however, this didnt work. Exactly the same issue persists. Anyone else having this issue? or have I screwed something royally? Cheers!
  7. Lucifarius

    XM8 Setup

    lol - It then says to re-query the server once you have set the name back, but it fails to say how. Can someone help with both the location of the DLL and how to re-query so that you get your server name and not the long char string?
  8. Lucifarius

    XM8 Setup

    Hi Guys, I'm following the instructions on the closed topic in order to set up the XM8. However, it refers to an XM8.dll but fails to advise where to get it. It seems to assume that you already have it? Best Regards, Lucifarius.
  9. Lucifarius

    [SOLVED] Infistart DLL Files (GTX GAMING)

    Done. For anyone picking this up via a search engine: The instructions in the docs are valid, but if you get the above error that I did, the answer is definitely getting those DLL files into the root of your server. The GTX guy gave me root permissions a minute ago... I uploaded the files, restarted the server and.... bingo
  10. Lucifarius

    [SOLVED] Infistart DLL Files (GTX GAMING)

    Sound awesome for the next update, especially if vendors are going to block the danger files in the root. I did ask again though, and got a friendlier guy called Rui on the case. He's looking to get me the root permissions
  11. Hi Guys, I appear to be at an impasse. I purchased as server via GTX and am attempting to install Infistar as a first step. The documentation says that the dll files are not required. However, when I start the server I see the dreaded: Call extension 'armalog' could not be found I tried to move the DLL files in anyway, to no avail. Even trying to use an old school method of sending them over as txt files and then trying to rename the extensions back does not work. I can't get the DLL files into the root. The support guy at GTX says he cannot help me, as the DLL files are not required... This does not help me at all. I appear to be holding a lemon. Before I cancel my subscription to GTX, can anyone tell me if I'm just doing something silly? Am I missing a step to get this running? Best Regards, L
  12. Lucifarius

    Add to traders [SOLVED!]

    Never mind. My issue was me. Wrong class names. I was calling a bunch of stuff that didn't exist due to a typo
  13. Lucifarius

    Add to traders [SOLVED!]

    Hi Gid, Is this process still valid as of today? I've just followed it but the picture in the trader is blank and there is no description. Best Regards, L
  14. Lucifarius

    Extended Base Mod

    HA! Sorry... the solution to my issue is to not drink alcohol while modding my server. Turns out I forgot to add EBM to A3Launcher while testing. So server was fine, client was not. That last bevvy cost me an hour or so lmao!
  15. Lucifarius

    Extended Base Mod

    Hi All, Any idea why I might be seeing this at the trader after installation? Been through the instructions 3 times and it's the same each time. (Attached)