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Everything posted by Cloud22

  1. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Made yesterday. It utilizes CfgExileDelayedActions for optimal performance (like exile does it). If the hack succeeds it picks a random vehicle and takes it out of the garage. I'm too lazy to give my fix claimVehicleOwnership but if you feel like it, you can fix it and submit a pull request/ do whatever. Anything named compile needs to be compiled with missionNamespace. Pretty much add stuff to your configs. (someone else can make an install guide). Credits: Exile
  2. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4 @leonardos1978
  3. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Opens fine for me.
  4. Hello Exile Community, Today I want to present to you my go at extb3 implementation. Take note that this is by no means official. But, with that being said I have a server running it right now and have thoroughly tested it and made sure to our best that there were no database issues. When submitting an error report please provide the following; A brief description of the issue, The FULL Server RPT File, The FULL ExtDB log, and any other information you feel is pertinent to the issue. Installation : New GUIDE (Easier to follow/Setup):
  5. Cloud22

    Accurate Restart Time Calculator

    As promised I'm releasing something i made a couple of weeks back that I found more effective then the "dll required" restart timers. Now, I won't be giving you a restart timer but I will show you how the code can be applied. Oh, and this requires extDB3 but can be modified for extDB2 I suppose or you might be able to use the original that comes with ExiLe. Override "ExileServer_system_database_connect.sqf" and find ExileServerStartTime = (parseSimpleArray ("extDB3" callExtension "9:LOCAL_TIME")) select 1; then after this line add publicVariable "ExileServerStartTime"; Save the file. Now go to where your restart timer is configured. Add this somewhere before where it checks the hour-startHour or whatever. _aOn = [0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24]; // Military Time startHour = ExileServerStartTime select 3; startMinute = ExileServerStartTime select 4; startSecond = ExileServerStartTime select 5; correcto = []; { if(startHour < _x and startHour != 24) then { correcto pushBack _x; }; } forEach _aOn; Now the correct amount of hours can be determined by ((correcto select 0) - startHour) and wala! You have a fully working exact restart timer. SO how the hell do you actually use this? Heres an ExAD example config that utilizes this. Config times here: Replace the old function with this: And heres someone elses statusbar utilizing this.
  6. Cloud22

    Accurate Restart Time Calculator

    I will no longer update this due to some unfortunate events in the Exile community. Sorry. I have pulled my repo off GIthub.
  7. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    I will no longer update this due to some unfortunate events in the Exile community. Sorry. I have pulled my repo off GIthub.
  8. Cloud22

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    I will no longer update this due to some unfortunate events in the Exile community. Sorry. I have pulled my repo off GIthub.
  9. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    No this is made for vanilla exile, not for ExAD. Sorry I don't use ExAD so I cannot help you with this. This is made for vanilla exile.
  10. Cloud22

    New Table (Player Tracker)

    Having a loop reduces performance. Do yourself a favor and add it to an already existing loop or do it event based plz. And I’m sure if you actually made the “pvp map markers” you would understand by now how exile works. Pointless to try and copy paste and pass it as your own as somewhat unique content (I guess this) which shows your actual knowledge of SQF and optimization. Nonetheless, C- for effort man.
  11. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Go to @kuplion's post
  12. Cloud22

    New Table (Player Tracker)

    Maybe the code is meant to be run on the server, and then a player object also needs to be defined server side? It sounds like you need to take a look at how Exile server and client interaction is handled before posting for help B+ for effort tho.
  13. Cloud22

    Creating community mod

    Yes I am very jealous of your godliness. /s Both sites literally say either “authors won’t approve that” or “check if mod makers allow you to” I’m not sure if you read it or could read it though, sorry for assuming that. As for help, most questions that have been asked have already been answered and therefore searching a little harder would save time for some others. Good luck on your server.
  14. Cloud22

    Creating community mod

    I think you honestly post too much and sometimes (if not most of) the content is not good. Google has the answer to this question and I'm sure you hopefully have enough brains to type. Also please don't go copy and paste all exile pbo's because you will have a fat DMCA on the upload k tks
  15. Cloud22

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Make sure exile client is installed on the server correctly.
  16. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    That folder is to be compiled somewhere server side. Technically you can put it in the missionfile and compile it to the server, but I do it in my exile_server.pbo.
  17. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Ensure you did everything correctly. The array for sure is not a string.
  18. Cloud22

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    No, you need to compile them serverside.
  19. Cloud22

    Virtual garage hacking

    Means you didn't server side compile the server file.
  20. Cloud22

    PBO file encryption method

    This site (also same site as obfusqf) offers Mikeros obfuscation for 35 pounds a year.
  21. Cloud22

    [Request] Spawnscreen | Select your lodout

    Already has a cost + respect option. I made the script for myself. I have given it to several servers for free, however, now I do sell it for a few dollars...
  22. Cloud22

    [Request] Spawnscreen | Select your lodout

    Yes, it can be easily be done. I made the script in the video. Pretty simple just look at some exile code.
  23. Cloud22

    This Mozzie

    meh I was planning on texturing and adding a bit more detail to my mozzie
  24. Cloud22

    Loot imporvement (Loot+)

    Just a recommendation, it's much easier to read and download a pastebin than on Exile forums editor.