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Everything posted by gator

  1. gator

    Intro Music

    Ok, I have searched far and wide to figure this out and I can't find a damn thing anywhere. I want to play an .ogg file at spawn in on my server. Can anyone, for the love of all that is good, help me out with this?!
  2. gator

    Armed Vehicles not spawning with ammo

    I am running DMS and Occupation, but I do not have any other MODS or Scripts on the server. Especially ones involving vehicles.
  3. I have looked around the forums and have seen threads of a year or older about the armed vehicles not spawning with ammo. Has there been a 100% fix to this found since then or are we all still just patiently waiting for this to get fixed?
  4. Forgive me if this isn't exactly the right place to post this, but if @infiSTAR could respond, that would be great.I have two parts to this. I have the Exile Infistar and XM8 apps and the last server I played on, Admins were able to spawn Exile items. Was this through Infistar or through another script or mod? I know you can access the traders remotely through Infistar, but I believe they were straight out spawning them because they showed on the ground as boxes. The second part to this is spawning vehicles and adding locks to them. The same server I was last on was able to spawn any vehicle and then add a code lock to it in order to reimburse me or something along those lines. Is this also through Infistar or another script or mod? Thanks for the help!
  5. gator

    Admin Item Spawning (Exile Items and vehicles)

    What's with everyone's smartass replies to my posts? I have literally sat there and stared at every single selection I have on my menu and haven't seen it. That or it's labeled in a way that didn't catch my eye at first for being what I needed. Are you just going to be a smartass or are you going to point it out to me?
  6. gator

    Intro Music

    Already figured it out. Wasn't including a file because I didn't think I needed it. No need to continue being a smartass. As I said, I am not an expert at coding. Learning as I go. Try holding back the smartass-ness if you continue to help people here. We are all here to enjoy the mod, one way or another.
  7. gator

    Intro Music

    Ok, maybe I didn't specify what I meant. I am saying that after looking every where, I can't exactly catch on to what is correct. I am not an expert at coding but am good enough for my own server, but every link has it's own version of doing this, and some I have tried don't work. All that your stupid, smartass reply did for me was show me links I have already searched.
  8. sorry for the insanely late reply, but I honestly forgot I was even a part if this thread. lol but, if you still need help, I will do my best. now, as far as hacking and grinding, I won't lie, I did everything in my power to make those work and I couldn't. I even went back and reinstalled all files completely, set my settings again, and yet nothing would work. Now, as far as the StatsBar, I did get that to work and it is very easy to do, but you need to follow the steps very precisely. If you need that to work, post the lines of code for each file required for that script and I will tell you what you are missing. Now, as far as grinding, hacking, and virtual garage, if you happened to figure out how those work since my last reply, PLEASE let me know. lol
  9. Did you add the required queries to your database in order for your database to know what it means for you to click the store and retrieve buttons?
  10. You're above examples don't really help with anything, man. Find your logs for the problems you are having and post them back here. Now, I am no pro at this stuff and have been teaching myself most of these things, but seeing as we're both working on installing the same thing, I'll do my best to assist you in whatever is going wrong, if you are still having these problems. If you are, further specify what is wrong, are you saying that after installing everything, nothing will work? The only thing showing is the ExAd symbol at the top left?
  11. gator

    Error: Bambi Creation Timeout

    turns out that it was caused from a problem I had with my config file from @ExileServer. I am pretty sure it was due to having blocked commented some things out which obviously wasn't the right choice. Replaced with a fresh one and re-edited everything. works just fine now. best part is that I thought to do that just out of a huntch. I appreciate the help!
  12. gator

    Error: Bambi Creation Timeout

    I noticed a lot of threads pertaining to this problem, but when looking at the code that other people have posted, I don't seem to be getting the exact same error as them, despite the fact we're still getting the same result. This is what my error looks like and I, for the life of me, cannot figure out what is going wrong. Can anyone help? private ["_item"]; _item = _this param [0,"",[""]]; switch (true) do { ca> 15:49:51 Error position: <param [0,"",[""]]; switch (true) do { ca> 15:49:51 Error Type Number, expected String 15:49:51 File A3\functions_f\inventory\fn_itemType.sqf, line 81 15:49:51 Error in expression <ckGlobal _x; }; case 4: { _bambiPlayer linkItem _x; }; default { _bambiPla> 15:49:51 Error position: <linkItem _x; }; default { _bambiPla> 15:49:51 Error linkitem: Type Number, expected String 15:49:51 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_player_network_createPlayerRequest.sqf, line 38 15:49:51 Error in expression <ckGlobal _x; }; case 4: { _bambiPlayer linkItem _x; }; default { _bambiPla> 15:49:51 Error position: <linkItem _x; }; default { _bambiPla> 15:49:51 Error Generic error in expression 15:49:51 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_player_network_createPlayerRequest.sqf, line 38 15:49:51 Error in expression < private ["_item"]; _item = _this param [0,"",[""]]; switch (true) do { ca> 15:49:51 Error position: <param [0,"",[""]]; switch (true) do { ca> 15:49:51 Error Type Number, expected String 15:49:51 File A3\functions_f\inventory\fn_itemType.sqf, line 81 15:49:51 Error in expression <ckGlobal _x; }; case 4: { _bambiPlayer linkItem _x; }; default { _bambiPla> 15:49:51 Error position: <linkItem _x; }; default { _bambiPla> 15:49:51 Error linkitem: Type Number, expected String 15:49:51 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_player_network_createPlayerRequest.sqf, line 38 15:49:51 Error in expression <ckGlobal _x; }; case 4: { _bambiPlayer linkItem _x; }; default { _bambiPla> 15:49:51 Error position: <linkItem _x; }; default { _bambiPla> 15:49:51 Error Generic error in expression 15:49:51 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_player_network_createPlayerRequest.sqf, line 38 15:50:31 "<>CONNECTLOG| #2 Disconnected: Darth Sidious(76561198070847310 - 3) SteamName: Ron Burgundy [22-Jan-2017 04-24-12 - v0071]" 15:50:31 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found 15:50:31 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:788 not found 15:50:32 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:788 not found
  13. gator

    Error: Bambi Creation Timeout

    I think I know what you are talking about. I can click a tab that says "SQL" and when I do, it shows a window I can put commands in. If I am right about the location, do I put that line in there that you just told me and then click go?
  14. gator

    Error: Bambi Creation Timeout

    I have seen this answer in other posts, but everyone of those are from people using things like MySQL Workbench. I have a virtual server with a control panel and it uses phpMyAdmin and I can't find that anywhere. On top of the fact that I am new to databases. Any ideas where to find it there?