Thanks for responding!
I am currently not using contaminatedZones[] and have placed the marker/ellipse code shown below in my mission.sqm, the marker and ellipse shows up in-game on the map and it spawns radiation loot in that area but there is no radiation in that area.
Here is my mission.sqm code that creates the ellipse/marker:
class Item10
dataType = "Marker";
position[] = {6530.75, 0, 14136.8};
name = "ExileMarker3";
text = "";
markerType = "ELLIPSE";
type = "ExileContaminatedZone";
colorName = "ColorBlack";
fillName = "Border";
a = 200;
b = 200;
drawBorder = 1;
id = 103;
atlOffset = 0;
class Item11
dataType = "Marker";
position[] = {6530.75, 0, 14136.8};
name = "ExileMarker4";
text = "";
type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon";
id = 104;
atlOffset = 0;
Here is the marker and ellipse on the map as well as an image of the extra weapons that spawn due to radiation loot: