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About Alfredo

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  1. Alfredo

    Radiation Zone Creation

    Sorry to bump this but I have looked through countless forum posts trying to solve this with no luck. Any help would be appreciated!
  2. Alfredo

    Radiation Zone Creation

    I just tested the radiation zone in the ocean and it does not seem to work either Here are some screenshots:
  3. Alfredo

    Radiation Zone Creation

    Sorry for such a late response I have been very busy lately I have radiation enabled and I believe I have the class for Chernarus setup correctly since breathing and fireflies work correctly: I wonder if the exile server code still considers the radiation zone as a sphere like it was when we used to have to setup the zone through config.cpp I am gonna try to add a radiation zone on the ocean and see if it works. I will respond ASAP
  4. Alfredo

    Radiation Zone Creation

    Thanks for responding! I am currently not using contaminatedZones[] and have placed the marker/ellipse code shown below in my mission.sqm, the marker and ellipse shows up in-game on the map and it spawns radiation loot in that area but there is no radiation in that area. Here is my mission.sqm code that creates the ellipse/marker: class Item10 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {6530.75, 0, 14136.8}; name = "ExileMarker3"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 103; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item11 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {6530.75, 0, 14136.8}; name = "ExileMarker4"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 104; atlOffset = 0; }; Here is the marker and ellipse on the map as well as an image of the extra weapons that spawn due to radiation loot:
  5. Alfredo

    Radiation Zone Creation

    I am trying to create a radiation zone on Chernarus. I used the 3DEN plugin to generate the code for the zone markers and put them into my mission.sqm. In game the markers are visible on the map and loot spawns like it should in radiation zones; however there is no radiation. When I walk into the zone it does not do any damage or have any effects. mission.sqm: I also made sure that in my config.cpp that radiation is enabled. Any help is appreciated!