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About Taplin221

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  1. Taplin221

    Adding Zeus 1.0.3?

    @odizzzzle could you help me with my mission file?
  2. Taplin221

    Zeus for my exile server

    still isn't working sadly
  3. Taplin221

    Zeus for my exile server

    i'm looking into putting zeus on my server to make it more interesting can anyone help me with a guide or something that SLZ mod doesn't have a key so i can't run that Realized SLZ is server side so no key needed lol but if i keep having troubles i'll post again
  4. also where would I post about getting a free admin tool we're looking for one but cant find one
  5. can someone move this to the right channel I didn't see the don't post questions here
  6. Hello I need help with the server I'm looking for configs for CUP and Extended base mod on Tanoa because everytime we try to add them they don't work also we're trying to add ghost hawks and other arma vehicles into the server aswell please help we're new at this and we don't fully get it or get why none of our changes are sticking