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About wedgelet1

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  1. wedgelet1

    [Release] Lythium Mission Files for 1.0.4a and Arma 1.78

    hangers at the northern airfield and southern airfield, most at least 1-1.5km from the safezone so shouldn't be that causeing the problem, I'm just leaving for work otherwise I'd give you the coordinates, will try to sort out when I get back.
  2. wedgelet1

    [Release] Lythium Mission Files for 1.0.4a and Arma 1.78

    well loot's alot better after updating the Lythium files, JBad desn't seem to have updated since I last checked, most buildings have loot now, the only buildings now without loot are a couple of idustrial overhangs and hangers but a certainly an improvement so far
  3. wedgelet1

    [Release] Lythium Mission Files for 1.0.4a and Arma 1.78

    Just checking now, while update if needed and get back to you guys, thanks, seems like an obvious thing after you've said it but I sometimes overlook making sure I update the server mods
  4. wedgelet1

    [Release] Lythium Mission Files for 1.0.4a and Arma 1.78

    Yeah, I've done all of that but I'm still having issues
  5. wedgelet1

    [Release] Lythium Mission Files for 1.0.4a and Arma 1.78

    Hi, I'm having issues with my loot. I'm only getting loot in a few building's around the map and my server console is getting messages like: 19:47:11 Object id 928d316f (367) not found in slot 422,148 19:47:11 In last 3000 miliseconds was lost another 7 these messages. whenever I'm near loot areas, I've tried the loot fix but i'm still having the same issues, I've tried googling and found similar issues but no answers any help would be apreciated.
  6. wedgelet1

    Loot not working properly

    Hi, I'm try to set up my own server atm, currently working on adding a few bits into the loot tables but when I copied the new loot config into me exile_server_config i then was only finding a loot container very rarely, so loot is still spawning just not in the right amounts, I haven't edited my loot settings in my mission.pbo's config file so I'm at abit of a loss. I've put the a copy of my CfgLootTables below, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know and I'll happily post anything else you might want to see to help sort out the issue.
  7. wedgelet1

    [Release] Lythium Mission Files for 1.0.4a and Arma 1.78

    Hi, I'm putting together my own lythium server and everything you have in the download works perfectly, really appreciate you putting this together and sharing it. I was wondering though if you had anything regarding battleye for the map and basic mods, I'm still not 100% sure about making batteye restrictions so just thought I'd ask.
  8. wedgelet1

    Server Issues with Mods

    Hi, I'm trying to set up a tanoa exile server but i'm having issues getting any other mods working with the server, i've tried adding in NATO_Rus_weapons+vehicle but i'm just getting the following issue when I try to get online Any suggestions?
  9. wedgelet1

    Infistar and Taunus

    Decided to switch to tanoa until taunus runs a bit better, this anyway.
  10. wedgelet1

    Infistar and Taunus

    Hi, I'm currently trying to set up a server but I seem unable to get Infistar to work with the Taunes map, each time I try starting the server I get an error saying that the Infistar. Hpp can't be found in the mission file, I've successfully set up infistar several times on altis and tanoa so I know I'm doing the right process as listed in the read me. Was just hoping that someone might have a suggestion, this is the first time I've tried to use a 3rd party map so I don't know if I'm missing something, I've already reset my server to start from scratch again so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can provide any additional information if needed.