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Everything posted by backup.exe

  1. backup.exe

    ALiVE AI in Exile

    If you use Exad Statbar i have a solution for you.... In (mpmissions\Exile.Altis\ExAdClient\statsbar) find postinit.sqf and add this line at the bottom true call ExileClient_gui_hud_toggle; should look like this [] spawn { waituntil { !isnil "bis_fnc_init" && !isNull findDisplay 46 && alive player && !isNil "ExileClientLoadedIn" }; waitUntil { ExileClientLoadedIn }; call ExAd_fnc_loadSB; true call ExileClient_gui_hud_toggle; // <<<<<Added Line for showing HUD if(!ExAd_SB_EXILE_HUD_ACTIVE)then{ call ExAd_fnc_toggleExileHUD; }; };