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About Laboredm

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  1. Laboredm

    Base raiding

    The problem is most raid a base when there is no one there. What is bad is you log out and then the next day or days later you log in to find all your shit that you have been working on is gone or destroyed because someone was bored. What fun is that.
  2. Laboredm

    Base raiding

    The problem with the CO-Op missions is that after the server restart you have to start over. There is no building in the CO-OP missions.
  3. Laboredm

    Base raiding

    What if you get on a server that has missions running and you have to fight AI. I know it is much better to laugh when you destroy someone else's days worth of work. There are missions with AI that will shoot back that is a big challenge.
  4. Laboredm

    Bambi status abused - remove or lessen

    Well the bambi killers are children. It is not easy to get back to your body. You have to parachute in and then run to your body within the 15 minutes. By that time the Killer should have moved on. I have been shout out of my parachute will spawning in. Like that was challenging. Shoot and move on. Then there should be no problem with the worry of bambi retaliation.
  5. Laboredm

    Base Maintenance

    It would be nice to be able to pay at your flag and not have to go back to the trader for that.
  6. Laboredm

    how to revive

    Is there a way to change the countdown to less than 2 minutes until the revive is implemented.
  7. Laboredm

    Wooden Stairs FIX?

    The Stairs are the same for me. They snap to tall and have a gap at the top and if not careful you can get caught and fall on the stairs. I had to manually place it with the help of a spotter and it works now. I just can't use the snap for them.