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Everything posted by mokdevel

  1. mokdevel

    [SOLVED] Overwriting CfgWorlds

    The whole thing starts to slowly make sense. Once I have the new .pbo created, is it enough to have this only on the server side? I can see in .rpt that the mod is loaded, but I can not see any of my changes anywhere (clutter etc...). I had the mod included in -mod start parameter.
  2. mokdevel

    Players Dying at Halo Spawn

    Thank you for your time. Setting haloJump = 0; opens the parachute immediately and spawning works. This is not optimal but works for now. I'll continue debugging the issue.
  3. mokdevel

    Players Dying at Halo Spawn

    This did not fix the issue. The drop-to-dead happens around 20% of the time. Any other ideas to try?
  4. mokdevel

    [SOLVED] Overwriting CfgWorlds

    Thank You so much for a quick reply. I will be testing and studying this later.
  5. mokdevel

    [SOLVED] Overwriting CfgWorlds

    Change some settings on Chernarus_Redux - especially clutterGrid and clutterDist. I think I have the basics missing like which file to edit and where to include the CfgPatches. Sometimes (most times?) the BI sqf stuff is not logical... Creating .pbos and .sqf in general I know well. This is the first time playing with CfgWorlds and CfgPatches.
  6. mokdevel

    [SOLVED] Overwriting CfgWorlds

    Any chance you could share what you did? TIA.
  7. mokdevel

    Players Dying at Halo Spawn

    Same issue on mine. Issues seen on map Chernarus Redux - no issues in Taunus.
  8. Bumping an old issue that seems to be there still in the latest update of Arma. Did anyone find a solution that works?
  9. mokdevel

    xcam Taunus spawn points and traders

    I used the lootpositions.hpp mentioned and noticed the same issue. There are a lot of incorrectly put lootpositions in it which you need to fix by hand. Some of the issues are loot in the air, others related to buildings (eg. one huge barn) that are built from pieces. The latter buildings have a lootposition set to a floor tile and when the building is built from tens of tiles, the amount of loot multiplies. You should take some time to find those tiles and remove them from the lootlist. In addition to that, use a loot position creator to fix the incorrect ones. (I don't remember which one I used, but it had a glowing yellow ball that you could use for setting the position). HTH
  10. Where should I find the CfgWorlds details? I'm unsure where to change these for Taunus - the wind is too loud.
  11. mokdevel

    maximumNumberOfLootSpotsPerBuilding appears broken

    I had a similar situation with a building spawning huge amounts of loot. The issue was that the loot position (Taunus) was set to a floor tile. So, if you have a building built from wall pieces set on multiple floor tiles, each tile will spawn stuff respecting the rules set in config. Thus, the whole "building" is filled with stuff.
  12. mokdevel

    xcam Taunus spawn points and traders

    Thank you for the effort. There are places where the loot spawns in the air (for example big barn in Rettershof). Have there been any updates to the position file?
  13. mokdevel

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I've been running Tanoa for quite some time and decided to jump to Taunus. DMS missions spawn nicely to the new map, but for some reason, the AI is invisible. The .rpt has no errors. Any ideas anyone? SOLVED: Disabling Occupation Military, makes everything fine again. For some reason the building scan ends up running 'forever' and eats all resources.
  14. mokdevel

    xcam Taunus spawn points and traders

    Thank you for the files. I've previously run Tanoa without any problems and decided to jump to Taunus. I added the lootpositions from the first post. For some reason no loot spawns anywhere. The .rpt logs do not show any errors. What could be the reason for this? On a side note, I activated DMS, Occupation and added the triggers for ExileZ. The zombies spawn but they do not attack or move - they just stand. DMS AI move, but seem to be blind as in not able to see the player. Any ideas why? SOLVED: Disabling Occupation Military, makes everything fine again. For some reason the building scan ends up running 'forever' and eats all resources.
  15. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    I updated to v1026, latest Arma dev and took the latest overrides. I get this in .rpt: 13:33:14 "ExileServer - Initializing game world..." 13:33:14 "ExileServer - Loading families from database..." 13:33:14 Error in expression <uery_selectFull; _numberOfClans = count _clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 13:33:14 Error position: <_clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 13:33:14 Error Undefined variable in expression: _clanids 13:33:14 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_world_loadAllClans.sqf, line 20 Debug versions for extDB3 logs: [13:46:50:930110 +02:00] [Thread 8184] extDB3: Input from Server: 9:VERSION [13:46:50:930110 +02:00] [Thread 8184] extDB3: Output to Server: 1.026 [13:46:52:748341 +02:00] [Thread 8184] extDB3: Input from Server: 9:VERSION [13:46:52:748341 +02:00] [Thread 8184] extDB3: Output to Server: 1.026 [13:46:54:449057 +02:00] [Thread 8184] extDB3: Input from Server: 9:VERSION [13:46:54:449057 +02:00] [Thread 8184] extDB3: Output to Server: 1.026 [13:46:56:111268 +02:00] [Thread 8184] extDB3: Input from Server: 9:VERSION [13:46:56:111268 +02:00] [Thread 8184] extDB3: Output to Server: 1.026
  16. mokdevel

    devbranch (1.68) server, extdb2, client - status?

    The work on ext3DB (and the upcoming patch) continues here: This thread can be closed.
  17. Hello, (I tried to look through the forum, but could not find anything on the topic.) With the new update (1.68) coming within days/weeks, is anyone working on checking if Exile works with it or will we face a new set of issues? I would like to update our server to a 64bit version, but the rumours tell that extdb2 is not compatible with it. This would mean that 64bit servers are a no go. Is or will there be a long time solution for this? I suppose that 1.68 clients (32/64bit) will be compatible with 32bit servers if we need to stick with that.
  18. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Now the spawning works and the real testing on the server can start. Thank you guys for all the help!
  19. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    The error in the log: [21:54:46:803411 +02:00] [Thread 7608] extDB3: Locked [21:55:28:085153 +02:00] [Thread 7608] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException0: Unknown column 'ai_kills' in 'field list' [21:55:28:085153 +02:00] [Thread 7608] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException0: Input: getAccountStats:76561198341150000
  20. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    The extDB3 reference is correct. Repacked the mission file once again and I get the same errors when spawning. Cleared the player table and when spawning I get the same error.
  21. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    A couple of errors now seen in .rpt 21:04:58 Error in expression <DB3" callExtension "9:UPTIME:MINUTES")) select 1 > 21:04:58 Error position: <select 1 > 21:04:58 Error select: Type Number, expected Array,String,Config entry 21:04:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\override_ext3db\ExileServer_util_time_uptime.sqf, line 12 And 21:08:37 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error MariaDBStatementException0 Exception" 21:08:37 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0 > 21:08:37 Error position: <select 0 > 21:08:37 Error Generic error in expression 21:08:37 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\override_ext3db\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27 I'm using MySQL (..and MariaDB is the other sister).
  22. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    I had missed the latest changes. Updated those - still the same error. I cleared vehicle table and now database and server works! Yay! Here is the table .csv before clearing it. MySQL Workbench does not want import it anymore. :-(
  23. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Forgot to add: [19:38:00:303818 +02:00] [Thread 9176] extDB3: Locked Thanks for the help.
  24. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile Once the error mentioned appears, it never unlocks.
  25. mokdevel

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Getting forward! Great! Connection to database is a success. I get this error in .rpt, so I guess some more overrides are needed. 17:24:54 "ExileServer - Loading vehicles from database..." 17:24:54 Error in expression <50 + (random 500), (_position select 1) - 250 + (random 500), 1000 + (random 100> 17:24:54 Error position: <- 250 + (random 500), 1000 + (random 100> 17:24:54 Error Generic error in expression 17:24:54 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle.sqf, line 20 If I comment ExileServer_world_loadAllDatabaseVehicles from ExileServer_world_initialize, everything seems to work. -- I have to keep the @exileserver location as is, due to my startup parameter pointing to it: -config=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg