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  1. Suito


    It it allmost the same, init.sqf -> if server starts the server execute the script initserver.sqf -> if mission starts the server execute the script
  2. Suito


    u have to use the initPlayerServer.sqf or better the initServer.sqf, PlayerLocal are scripts that get startet if player joins, but executed on PlayerClient. PlayerServer are the same above, just server-side, but if the server run for 2 hour your time is not correct rythm, cause the script is startet to late, (means maybe your night isnt fully) Using initServer.sqf is in this opinion the best u can do, cause if the mission start the server will execute the script the only thing u do is this: if (!isServer) exitWith {};thats a check if the script is running on the server, if not it´s quit the script without doing anything
  3. Suito


    Okay i want to explain this, the script says if the time is after 19.00 and before 5.00 a clock the time is running with the time Multiplier "24" if the time is between 5.00 - 18.59 the time is running with the Multiplier "36". The Range of the Multiplier is 0.1 to 120; Multiplier 24 mean u have realtime x 24 I think the multis u want are 4 for day (3h(real)x4=12(ingame) and 12 for night(1h(real)x12=12h(ingame) The posted Sheet is the Timesheed before patch 1.26. Cheers