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About Dubius

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  1. Dubius

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Is there a way to change the AI to using Russian models/voices?
  2. Dubius

    InfiSTAR Restart Issues

    While I appreciate the input, and I could certainly use the provider's restart method, the InfiSTAR route is just far more preferable for me. I'll use the former as a last resort should this issue go unresolved. I've seen that @infiSTAR is quite active in this forum and very helpful to the community, so I'm hopeful to get a response from him after Christmas passes. Here's what I've got set in my AHAT, which are the exact settings from my previous two servers where everything worked as intended.
  3. Dubius

    InfiSTAR Restart Issues

    The provider does allow for setting scheduled restarts at specific times, yes. I've always avoided those though for the reason that if an admin were to need to force a restart with players online, they'd still be subjected to the scheduled restart as well. At least with InfiSTAR everyone knows that whenever the server goes down, the restart will be 4 hours from the time it comes back up (and such is reflected properly in the status bar, which I don't believe would be the case with the provider's option).
  4. Dubius

    InfiSTAR Restart Issues

    I'm having an issue with @infiSTAR restarts that I've not encountered before. I've used the feature on previous servers extensively. Currently, my 4 hour restarts take place as they should while players are online. However, if no one is on the server at the 4 hour mark it seems to be put into a pending status until a player tries to log in, at which point it will kick the player and restart the server, starting the 4 hour count down once more. Any thoughts?
  5. Dubius

    (SOLVED)Altis West+NE Trader doors

    I would say no. From what it looks like, that stuff is related to the FIR weapons system mod used on my server. Not positive because that was installed by another admin, but it's most likely.
  6. Dubius

    Need help with DMS scripting

    Thank you sir, after seeing that first example I was able to script things the way I wanted.
  7. Dubius

    Need help with DMS scripting

    I'm looking to add an ai patrol that's mission specific. I've seen examples in the missions of how to add a patrol that draws from the armed vehicle list in the config file. What I want to do is specify a patrol to be used for that mission only without having to add it to that list where it's going to be used in other missions as well. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Dubius

    (SOLVED)Altis West+NE Trader doors

    Thank you, this worked just fine.
  9. Dubius

    (SOLVED)Altis West+NE Trader doors

    Been looking all around the forums and I've seen the fixes for exile base product doors and EBM items but I haven't been able to track down a fix for the doors at the traders which aren't opening after the last update. Little help?
  10. Dubius

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I'm getting into mission editing/creation but a bit new to the syntax used in the files. I was hoping someone would be able to tell me how to (within a mission file) specify an ai patrol vehicle to only be used for that specific mission. I know that in the DMS config you can edit the armed vehicles list which missions draw from for ai patrols. Again, what I want to do is specify the vehicle for that mission only, not to be used elsewhere. Any help would be appreciated~
  11. I'm wondering if someone could tell me which file specifically defines the .paa image shown in the upper left corner of the screen (ExAd logo). I read earlier in the thread that it can be set under one of the customize.sqf files but the only place I've seen mention of such is the one under the status bar and that did not help.
  12. Recently started a server and toggled the infiSTAR day/night vote to "DayNightVote = "true";" in the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp. However, the vote system is currently not working ingame. I haven't changed any of the other values regarding the vote, so I'm wondering if there's something elsewhere that might be interfering with the system's operation. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. /* Allow Player to vote Day/Night by typing vote day / vote night in Chat*/ DayNightVote = "true"; MRV = 0.3; /* if "DayNightVote = "true";" - Minimum votes required. Percentage of players needed to pass the vote. */ MVP = 0.51; /* if "DayNightVote = "true";" - Minimum vote percentage. A setting that dictates the minimum vote percentage that needs to be reached for the vote to pass. */ VCT = 300; /* if "DayNightVote = "true";" - Time (in seconds) to wait until nex vote is possible. */