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About corbin1990

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  1. Hi @S. Dropped you a message on there
  2. @S. Absolutely Quality Work!! Esseker map is brilliant. Just wondering if you've got a more update version with Zombies and Demons and additions of a few more Traders on the map? What I mean is regarding the Zombies, with my trader config for some reason I cant add in a cure? Thank you so much for your work, Would be very happy to donate to your work
  3. corbin1990

    How to add lockers to traders

    @Metalman10 hi Mate. that worked to make the server actually load in! However the item I placed. I.e. the locker and it's sign respectively. don't show up at the trader? Anything else need editing, because I thought that was it? Cheers
  4. corbin1990

    How to add lockers to traders

    @Metalman10 So remove the Comma after ["Exile_Sign_Locker",[9335.1,4865.7,5.5502],[[0.766216,0.642584,0],[0,0,1]],false] So it looks like that ^ And remove which last line... If this works my friend I'm going to be so disappointed in myself for not noticing haha thank you
  5. corbin1990

    How to add lockers to traders

    Apologies I'm on the work computer and have restricted access of what I can and cant post haha Below is the following what I added to my Initserver.sqf if that helps? whenever I add these specific lines. The server just wont boot. It's stumped me. ["Exile_Locker",[9336.4,4863.53,5.55922],[[0.793515,0.608551,-0.00056939],[0.0123186,-0.0151273,0.99981]],false], ["Exile_Sign_Locker",[9335.1,4865.7,5.5502],[[0.766216,0.642584,0],[0,0,1]],false], ]; { private ["_object"]; _object = (_x select 0) createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _object setDir (_x select 2); _object setPosATL (_x select 1); _object enableSimulation false; // } forEach _objects; Cheers for the help
  6. corbin1990

    How to add lockers to traders

    @killerbud211 did you figure out how to do it? Any help would be great
  7. corbin1990

    How to add lockers to traders

    @Metalman10I've followed your instruction to a tee and for some reason my server wont load with the new lines added? Basically I rent from QGS, so the server is mostly set up basic settings wise. Ive added most mods myself, but map alterations I seem to be struggling with. Lockers being one of them I get the mission Sqm with M3editor, add the lockers and trader boards respectively. Save with Dev tools getting the code for the objects. Go to my unpacked mission folder and post the lines underneath in new lines in the Initserver.sqf and post the relevant lines underneath. I then repack and reload it to my MPmisson folder it came from on my QGS game panel, restart the server, and it initially boots, but then just utterly fails and is stuck in a waiting stage? Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Cheers for the help