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About ImtiredofTrying

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  1. ImtiredofTrying

    Exile is Absolutely Unworkable, i guess

    This is absolutely ridiculous. I have the exile mod downloaded in my files. I have it in my d drive in the mods folder. It says @Exile and when I click on it guess what? I have all of the files or things in it. Apparently i don't, I've been Wasting my time on this mod for days now. Its so much fun that i cant even play it. Its also so much fun to join a server on the a3launcher and wait without a loading bar. Its also a lot of fun to get on arma from steam, try to join an exile server and then it tells me i have deleted exile client, or assets. Oh and one more thing... My absolute favorite is when I open up steam, go to a server, click more details, which it says in red i have no missing mods, but then get this... I go to click join and when i click it a set mods option appears and i look at all of my installed mods, but you know whats in yellow.... The EXILE mod the most fun mod to play. Now i dont know why its in yellow because it doesnt tell me. This is the saddest experience i've ever had on a game. Now please dont come to this and suggest the A3Launcher because yes like i said previously i have and when i do use the A3Launcher guess what happens. I get to sit there for hours looking at one picture and a stupid loading quote like trying not to crash or planting shrubberies. Then i eventually quit because i know i have the exile mod downloaded. So if some smart person that knows the mod like the back of their hand and knows most of problems with it could help me that would be great.
  2. ImtiredofTrying

    Help me I've been trying for days, literally days

    Also take notice that when i go to play on a server it says all the mods are ready in green but exile it says choose action in yellow and gives me a link to install but i go to my mods and its installed
  3. ImtiredofTrying

    Help me I've been trying for days, literally days

    Dude if you help me, by god i will praise you. i was so mad yesterday.
  4. ImtiredofTrying

    Help me I've been trying for days, literally days

    Yes i have, thats the launcher that directs me towards a pictured screen where i wait forever and nothing happens... You know how when you join an exile serve theres a red loading bar at the top? Well i dont get that anymore and i used to have it until i switched my game into d drive
  5. ImtiredofTrying

    Help me I've been trying for days, literally days

    Yes i have and thats when i go to the screen that shows me a picture and i wait forever
  6. Theres an issue where I sit in the loading screen for an exile server forever. I cant move or anything. I just go to a server click join and then I join until the loading screen hits where it usually displays a picture of an item within the server and a loading quote on the bottom left. I need help fast or I'm just going to give up on trying. I have moved my game to the d drive from where it originally came from the c drive. I think what might of happened was that my mods did not transfer over but I moved them incase after. Still nothing has happened. Also when i load in an exile server from the arma 3 regular game launcher i receive a message that tells me i cant play because downloadable content is required. I have installed all of the mods for the server and deleted the game and reinstalled it. Help me please I'm nervous i will never be able to play exile ever again.