Hi. I've been trying to implement the 'show base markers' script for XM8 on my server:
I've been reviewing threads on XM8 Apps - I see that as of 2016 the way to script XM8 Apps was to install ExAdXM8, obsoleting the Shix package
But even that seems quite out of date now (some features are in XM8 in exile by default) - in any case I found the installation did not work for me - server runs but the features don't load in XM8. Is there an updated method for installing XM8 scripts/apps like this that I don't know about or is installing ExAdXM8 still the way to get this working?
server info:
mod=@Exile;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@ChernarusRedux;@Ryanzombies;@EnhancedMovement;@AdvancedTowing;Kart;Mark;Heli; -servermod=@exileserver;
Arma3 and all mods are up to date as of August 2018.
Thanks for reading this and thanks in advance for any comments.