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About mattux

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  1. My best guess is the "Missing description.ext::header" as to why my server wont let me past the loading screen. Here is my RPT just in case. Anyone have any idea why it throws that error, my description.ext seems to have the header in the right place? Or what the other cause could be?
  2. mattux

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Step 6: Open the "CfgInteractionMenus.cpp" and follow steps. Note: If not using Recruit AI app don't include the bodyguard block. I read that in the README but the "CfgInteractionMenus.cpp" has no steps in it that I can see. I assume I should add the classes missing under there respective parent class. I did come across an ambiguity. I see default exile has a class GrindLock under construction, and ExAD provides a class Grind??? Do I delete/ignore/something?
  3. mattux

    Don't pass loading screen

    Weird. Try reinstalling cup. Make sure you have moved the server keys to the appropriate folder. If you are still having issues later today come grab me. Have a couple other things to try
  4. mattux

    Painting Bases?

    Thank you for making my day
  5. mattux

    Don't pass loading screen

    Im going to PM you my TS so i can walk you through it
  6. mattux

    Don't pass loading screen

    Just follow the instructions.
  7. mattux

    Don't pass loading screen

    No. And clean is find. Should work for local. If it doesnt do it for someone elses exile and then switch back. The issue isnt a mod issue it is a V1.66 bug.
  8. mattux

    Don't pass loading screen

    Heres what you do. 1. Unload all mods except CBA and CUP (or whatever map mod you are using) 2. Load Arma. Load editor. Pick the chernarus map. Boot it. Once it loads exit arma. 3. Select the server in the launcher, apply correct mods. Click join. 4. When the load screen comes up. Alt+Tab out and wait a bit for the game to download the missionfile. Give it longer than you normally would just to be safe. 5. When you think the mission file is downloaded and your booted tab back into arma. Let me know if this doesnt solve your problem. If it does. Consider hitting the like button.
  9. I believe it doesnt count comments so that wouldn't be exactly where the issue is
  10. mattux

    Don't pass loading screen

    What exactly happens when you try to load? Does arma crash? Does the picture of the map in the top right show altis or tanoa instead of chernarus?
  11. mattux

    Exile_XG_Logistics Wont Show menu?

    Maybe I should release all of "exps" scripts since they are so keen on claiming other people's work
  12. mattux

    Exile_XG_Logistics Wont Show menu?

    You and EXP are exactly what is wrong with the development community. You an EXP admin? Good. Tell them they're "encrypted" PBO got broke. They should quit stealing other people's work and passing it off as their own.
  13. mattux

    Disable shift + 4

    Oops. Yes infiSTAR. I don't want to unbind shift or 4. I want to remove the function all together from infistar.
  14. mattux

    Disable shift + 4

    How does one disable to shift + 4 causing you to fly?
  15. mattux

    Exile_XG_Logistics Wont Show menu?

    @KamikazeXeX Made that I believe and he could probably help you. Where are the release files for it?