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About DeathWishGames

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  1. DeathWishGames

    Exile Group looking for skilled players!

  2. Helper/Statistic Operator/Admin or really whatever is needed In Game Name: DeathWish Age: 17 Access to Discord/Skype (Preferably Discord) : Discord: DeathWish#0577, Skype: ᗪᙓᗩ♈ᖺᗯᓰᔕᖺ Information about Past Staff Experience: I have past admin and mod experience and have used infistar a fair bit Extra info: I also have some skills with programming
  3. DeathWishGames

    Exile Group looking for skilled players!

    ~~~Application~~~ 1. Age? 17 2. DayZ/Exile experience? I have over 400 hours experience in exile, just don't expect me to build the base lol 3. Overall arma 3 experience / hours played? around 500 hours 4. Skype information (so that I may get in contact with you) ᗪᙓᗩ♈ᖺᗯᓰᔕᖺ 5. Why do you think you would make a good fit? Well... idk you guys, but decent sniper/support ~~~end~~~
  4. How old are you? 16 Do you have a microphone and headset? Yes How well do you work with a team? I work Well with other people. What gamemode do you play on Arma 3? Exile Do you have Teamspeak and Discord? Yes. Steam ID: Steam Profile Link
  5. DeathWishGames

    server manager Wanted

    Well I don't know scripting but I can definitely keep everything update and I do have previous experience with InfiStar. I can also speak German(Can't write in it).
  6. Hello, hope you are having a wonderful day. I have been looking for a Arma 3 group where I can help grow and develop a server. Feel free to message me on discord(DeathWish#0577) or on Steam (Steam Profile).
  7. DeathWishGames

    server manager Wanted

    What do you mean by "build". Like develop scripts?
  8. DeathWishGames

    Looking to become server admin

    I'm not begging to become a admin, and like I said in the post the last server I was playing on is getting shut down because not enough people are joining, and I was just looking for a new server or become a mod or admin.
  9. DeathWishGames

    Looking to become server admin

    Sorry updated the link now
  10. DeathWishGames

    Looking to become server admin

    Hello everyone! I am looking for a new server since the one I'm currently on is closing. I do have previous experiences with being a moderator/admin (Never got a complaint about my admin/mod skills, never been an abusive staff member too). I also have used InfiStar before (Played with it on my own server for a few hours). I know a bit of coding(I also have some hacking experience). Feel free to pm me P.S. My English grammar is not the best but I speak fluent English. I also speak German. Discord: DeathWish#0577 Skype: ᗪᙓᗩ♈ᖺᗯᓰᔕᖺ Steam: Steam profile link(Yes I have 2 bans...) NO LONGER LOOKING FOR SERVER
  11. DeathWishGames

    [DB] Looking For Staff

    Hello Zeppo, saw this and I was looking for a new server since the one I'm currently on is closing. I do have previous experiences with being a moderator/admin (Never got a complaint about my admin/mod skills, never been an abusive staff member too). I also have used InfiStar before (Played with it on my own server for a few hours). I know a bit of coding(I also have some hacking experience). Hope I hear back P.S. My English grammar is not the best but I also know German
  12. DeathWishGames

    Not able to control MQ4A Greyhawk

    Where would one buy a UAV?