Ali Boboa

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Everything posted by Ali Boboa

  1. Ali Boboa

    steps needed to make CCTV work?

    Not working on my altis server from quality gameservers. Anyone else having this issue?
  2. Ali Boboa

    steps needed to make CCTV work?

    Im wondering if i have to define the open function somewhere
  3. Ali Boboa

    steps needed to make CCTV work?

    Yes ive done that. But there is no option to open the laptop
  4. Ali Boboa

    steps needed to make CCTV work?

    is there a fix, i am using infistar which was purchased
  5. Ali Boboa

    steps needed to make CCTV work?

    So I have added the laptop and cameras to my traders, now you can buy and sell them. but when placed they have no function. how and where do I need to define the function to open?
  6. Ali Boboa

    Dead Character

    Your admin needs to go into the player database and clear your character from it. They can give back respect and money if they are nice
  7. Ali Boboa

    How to add lockers to traders

    I have a server from them and i am having the same issue any solution?
  8. Ali Boboa

    Slow zeds

    Im trying to make slow zombies but i cant find the lines for the zombie movement speed. Can somone help me please?