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About Fluffykoojo

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  1. Fluffykoojo

    ExileZ 2

    What "signs" of infection are showing?
  2. Fluffykoojo

    ExileZ 2

    So add the folder "@Open chernarus project with jbad requrement" to the server root file like I would any other addon. And then call it from the startup parameters? thats it?
  3. Fluffykoojo

    ExileZ 2

    Don't suppose you mind helping me setup Open Chernarus project? The instructions don't really say anything specific. just "Plug and play for server owners". That doesn't help me much...
  4. Fluffykoojo

    ExileZ 2

    Works like a charm man. I used the "Alt.map.trigger" coords that came with the download from page 1 and I guess I put them in wrong or something. Thanks again!
  5. Fluffykoojo

    ExileZ 2

    Awesome, will try out yours and see whats up ty and good looking out!
  6. Fluffykoojo

    ExileZ 2

    Do i need to somehow set it to use Chernarus triggers? if so how do I do so?
  7. Fluffykoojo

    ExileZ 2

    Followed instructions, didn't change anything in fn_config. Zombies don't spawn. Chernarus map. literally folowed these steps to a T. Unpack exilez.pbo Edit settings in init\fn_init.sqf Repack exilez.pbo Place exilez.pbo in @ExileServer\addons Add "ryanzombies" & "ryanzombiesfunctions" to the "addons" section of your mission.sqm Oh and I added @Ryanzombies to cmd line. What else do I have to do!?
  8. Fluffykoojo

    How to spawn on the ground?

    Just like title says, How do I make it to where ppl spawn on the ground and not parachute in? There is a topic about this but it is extremely vague. Any help would be greatly appreciated, ty.
  9. Fluffykoojo

    Help with inifiSTAR install...

    Hey guys, I just tried installing infistar multiple times. the instructions in the readme are different than the instructions in the video. The readme says to delete "class CfgRemoteExec {};" but the video doesn't say anything about deleting that line. Also the video only says to add #include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp" and the readme says to add #include "CfgRemoteExec.hpp" and "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp". I've done both and server still stuck on connecting when I try and join. Attached log.