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  1. Nerexis

    Arma 1.95 "Contact DLC" BUGS MEGATHREAD

    Information: Bug Description: The createVehicleLocal function is deprecated in v1.95, and spawning Traders isn't working properly because of that Troubleshooting/Testing Steps Attempted: Start server and you notice there are no traders spawned Possible solution: maybe spawn traders on the server side using createVehicle function? Known Bugs: Traders not spawning
  2. Please post any bugs you encounter with 1.95 Arma involving Vanilla Exile "Pineapple" here. RULES: When posting please include a server RPT and a client RPT (if possible). Please, please, please read the thread to see if your bug has already been posted. Duplicated bug reports will be removed. Do not shit post. The Mod Team will be handing out infractions for any and all shit posting. Check below for bugs we are already aware of. USE THIS TEMPLATE WHEN POSTING BUGS: Information: Operating System, version? Post your system specifications. (Hardware) Please try to include helpful evidence related to the bug, such as screenshots and videos Include pastebins for your server AND client .RPTs ( Bug Description: A concise description of what the problem is. Pure description, no narrative or conversational language. Troubleshooting/Testing Steps Attempted: Describe anything you did to try to fix it on your own. Known Bugs: N/A
  3. It could be advanced but it's completely possible: on the server side, you could make another 'dummy player/camera' object, place object at the position of camera in territory, then render view from that 'dummy player/camera' to frames for streaming using method called in the gaming industry as 'picture in picture' (PIP) rendering. I could do that but you see it's time heavily and WILL ($$) heavily, and I don't think it's really something which would make players come to such server just because of that feature, correct me if I'm wrong. Also, it would be heavy on resources and Arma 3 server performance isn't so good, so I guess a server would need a hardware upgrade.
  4. Nerexis


    This server is aimed to provide realistic style of gameplay, with RPG additions to it. We focus on both infantry and vehicle based combat + balanced economy. Thanks to server economy, we will be able to provide situation, where you will be able to engage in PVP activities – conquer enemy base, fight for resources/missions etc. To increase default Exile realism, server will use 3rd party scripts, and self developed modifications. For example, I have currently implemented realistic ‘fall down’ behavior after unit is hit with bullet. Features: Missions: Dynamic (DMS) and Capture Points (ZCP) Missions + many custom by server devs, unique for this server! PVP Active development and admins Tow vehicles Load crates on vehicles Sell crates at traders Status Bar Revive using defibrillator (available in shop) Rearming and refueling at fuel stations In game PVP Ranking Vector Building Military vehicles, with balanced prices adjusted to real world price (in proportions) and rearming cost Working drones, lots of them (no drone stealing) Lots of weapons and vehicles Improved AI – they flank, suppress etc. Realistic AI fall down after being hit Extended Base building Roaming AI (more players online = less ai) Revive time is set to full brain death time (after heart failure) HighEnd sniper rifles aren’t available in shops HighEnd sniper rifles only available from missions/npcs/military Launchers and rockets available from spec ops shop (both AT, AA, semi-high cost, as in real world) No virtual garage (we have script preventing explosions) Flag stealing enabled Faster charges planting In game notifications by E-Mail Game Panel for players Balance Building height limit Base respawn Pay due notifications Kill messages XM8 apps View distance settings Adjustable terrain grids, also without grass Faster nights Server restart every 3 hours, with notification Many fixed bugs, we fix bugs very fast Anti-theft safe zone infiStar antihack Stable – online since at least half of year
  5. Nerexis

    MilSim Exile Borders Chernarus

    Thanks, please read server information: **Server was recently wiped! 15.02.2018 **Server IP:** **Server Name in game:** *[ MilSim ]* ExileBorders Chernarus PvP|Missions|Tanks|Tow|Revive|Rearm|Raid|ZCP|DMS|Realism by Nerexis **Website:** **Map:** Chernarus Redux **Required mods:** (all are on Steam Workshop) **How to connect:** recommended to use A3Launcher **Exile Borders Mod:** This server is using unique mod created by server owner. It changes gameplay and adds territory capture system. Players claim territory (1x1 km square on map), by placing flag or capturing enemy flag (Capture flag action on flag). For territories you get money every 15 minutes, even if you are offline! **Description:** This server is aimed to provide realistic style of gameplay, with RPG additions to it. We focus on both infantry and vehicle based combat + balanced economy. Thanks to server economy, we will be able to provide situation, where you will be able to engage in PVP activities – conquer enemy base, fight for resources/missions etc. To increase default Exile realism, server will use 3rd party scripts, and self developed modifications. For example, I have currently implemented realistic ‘fall down’ behavior after unit is hit with bullet. **Server features:** * Missions: Dynamic (DMS) and Capture Points (ZCP) Missions * MANY custom missions by server devs, unique for this server! * Unique mod Exile Borders, created by server owner * Active server-unique script development since 1 year! * Destroyable base buildings by 'normal' ammo instead 'Breaching Charges' * Stable - online since at least half of year+ * Improved tactical AI - they flank, suppress etc. * Military vehicles, with balanced prices adjusted to real world price (in proportions) and rearming cost * Realistic AI fall down after being hit * Extended Base building * Revive using defibrillator (available in shop) * Active development and admins * Towing of vehicles by rope * Loading crates on vehicles * Selling crates at traders * Status Bar * Rearming and refueling at fuel stations usin * In game PVP Ranking * Roaming AI (more players online = less ai) * Revive time is set to full brain death time (after heart failure) * HighEnd sniper rifles aren't available in shops * HighEnd sniper rifles only available from missions/npcs/military * Limited silencers for weapons * Launchers and rockets available from spec ops shop (both AT, AA, semi-high cost, as in real world) * No virtual garage * Flag stealing enabled * Faster charges planting * In game notifications by E-Mail * Game Panel for players * Balance * Building height limit * Base respawn * Pay due notifications * Kill messages * XM8 apps * View distance settings * Adjustable terrain grids * Faster nights * Server restart every 3 hours, with notification * Many fixed bugs, we fix bugs very fast * Anti-theft safe zone * infiStar antihack
  6. Bugged query prevents Exile from deleting some constructions marked as deleted (probably the ones without territory assigned), because it unmarks deleted_at field in constructions/containers table due to logic error (I'm using ext3 version of ini): Update your "markDeleteUnpaidTerritories" query to: ; Marks territories (and all containers/constructions) that were not paid within ? days as deleted [markDeleteUnpaidTerritories] SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE last_paid_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ?) AND deleted_at IS NULL SQL2_1 = UPDATE construction SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE EXISTS (select deleted_at from territory where and territory.deleted_at IS NOT NULL) SQL3_1 = UPDATE container SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE EXISTS (select deleted_at from territory where and territory.deleted_at IS NOT NULL) SQL1_INPUTS = 1
  7. Nerexis

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    I have question: does " extDB3: Locked " mean error, and if not, what does it mean?
  8. Is there a way to allow for example RPG and non-exile explosives to damage building objects? I have tried "_object allowDamage true;" but it doesn't work. Once there was a bug which did, what I'm asking for, but no idea how.
  9. Nerexis

    Extended Base Mod

    How to make objects destructible by RPGs/non-exile explosives etc.?
  10. Nerexis

    Mod Checker Updated [now with XM8 APP]

    I don't remember exactly, but it was some typo in configuration.
  11. Information: Windows Server 2016 i6700k, 32gb DDR4, 2xSSD 256gb Bug Description: Happens when loading player? Server RPT: I'm using override from MostWanted plugin, but code at this line is the same as in default Exile. 17:57:32 Error in expression <_%1",_clanID],[]]; if(isNull (_clanData select 5))then { _clanGroup = createGrou> 17:57:32 Error position: <select 5))then { _clanGroup = createGrou> 17:57:32 Error Zero divisor 17:57:32 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\MostWanted_Client\overwrites\ExileServer_object_player_database_load.sqf, line 39
  12. Nerexis

    Sling loading and desync/lag

    I'm having problems: when someone has attached vehicle to chopper using sling load feature, after while, because of some desync, the rope breaks and vehicle is dettached. Is there any way to fix it? What settings are directly related to sync of carried vehicles? Is there maybe some script which will prevent it, or will change behavior so its 'attached', instead of using ropes?
  13. Nerexis

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Thank you, works for me now
  14. Nerexis

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Got new problem when placing flag: [23:20:58:821388 +02:00] [Thread 4336] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`exiletaunus`.`territory`, CONSTRAINT `territory_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`flag_stolen_by_uid`) REFERENCES `account` (`uid`) ON DELETE SET NULL) [23:20:58:821481 +02:00] [Thread 4336] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Input: createTerritory:76561198010051679:xxx:29.554718:271.629364:-0.867279:15:1:\A3\Data_F\Flags\flag_blue_co.paa:0:["76561198010051679"]:["76561198010051679"]: createTerritory in exile.ini: [createTerritory] SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO territory SET owner_uid = ?, name = ?, position_x = ? , position_y = ? , position_z = ?, radius = ? , level = ? , flag_texture = ? , flag_stolen = ? , flag_stolen_by_uid = ?, build_rights = ? , moderators = ? ;Number Of Custom Inputs = 1 SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Return InsertID = true