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  1. I was wondering if anybody would be so kind as to help me figure out how to get random amounts of ammo in spawned magazines... Im not too keen on how every magazine you come across in the world ends up being full and would like to factor in random amounts. I would also like to point out, Im not a coder and just starting to learn now Any help would be appreciated peoples
  2. Diggz

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    +1 more here
  3. Diggz

    Car Keys and Locking

    i vote yes... i think its a wicked idea... can you not make the keys an item that you can loot from a killed player so you can steal their vehicle? either way i still vote yes, i think that if possible make it an option for admins to have on or off to stop the ones who dont particularly like it can turn the feature off?
  4. havent tried yet but gj and thanks for sharing
  5. Diggz

    Help With Revive Script

    can i just chip in and say its nice when coders share, but i totally understand why some of them dont... specially the ones who run their own servers and for you to call someone a jew because they dont share their revive script is a joke... as im pretty sure i dont see a donator sign underneath your name... so your playing a mod thats FREE... and your bitching about not being given something else for FREE... in your own context are you not a jew? when did humanity become so self centered and egotistic? im suprised theres still people out there like the Devs that put their time into making something enjoyable for us... and dont expect nothing back...
  6. Diggz

    Edited Repair Function

    i have this running on my server using a foolbox and a wrench to repair vehicles you have to get a new wrench everytime but the toolbox stays in your inventory my players love it
  7. you can just copy the hostile line from the stratis file and paste it in, seems to have worked for me and im running it in Altis _hostileAircraft = true; //If true the A10 will try and shoot down the interceptor (should the interceptor be despatched) just above if (_useMarkerWaypoints) then
  8. Diggz

    Dynamic Traders

    any1 get the coordinates for altis sorted?
  9. Diggz

    [FIX] Death Loop Bug

    nope, first happened on my server when clementine first came out, couple of people died just before a restart and when they logged back in they were on top of their bodies with flies buzzing around, and i implemented your fix, and deleted them from database, and everything seemed fine after that, until yesterday when this started happening, i was killed by AI and once i re-spawned i was about a minute behind where i had died, ran over killed AI and my body was there duped, so i committed suicide, re-spawned and was in my body fully geared looking at my other 2 bodies like wtf... and since then even if i delete my entry from db or start a new one it just stuck doing it, think ill rebuild the server from fresh just to see if i can repeat it, no major files have been edited apart from your fix and a few scripts that are also running on my main server, but theres no problems on that one so im major confused right now
  10. Diggz

    [FIX] Death Loop Bug

    this video shows the bug with your fix implemented... either way is not working for me somehow https://youtu.be/jISq4oGR8YQ
  11. Diggz

    [FIX] Death Loop Bug

    well i have this still happening for some reason, i used the fix noted above and it still happened, sometimes i was dead, sometimes IF i clicked respawn before the respawn timer was up then i would respawn a couple of houses before where i had been and run to where i died and my body was there @Eichi fix listed above just stopped me respawning couple houses before https://youtu.be/_Oba8FjKX9k
  12. Diggz

    Help With Revive Script

    did anyone ever come up with anything that their willing to share? was using farooqs BUT, found out people were using the logout bug to revive themselves so had to remove it is there a way to kill them if they logout in bleedout stage? or make them stay in combat mode while bleeding out? so logout is blocked? i noticed in ExileServer_system_network_event_onHandleDisconnect that it kills you if you handcuff log, is it possible to implement for eg, using farooqs revive, if someone is in bleedout stage and logs it does the same?
  13. Diggz

    Party members replaced with AI upon being kicked

    ive had this happen a few times on my server, i was party leader and a friend was building base, got kicked for a battleye restriction, and his player turned into AI, friend reconnected and we killed the AI and was able to loot him, however somwehre along the line it messed with the database as my friend sold his gear and it stayed duplicated on him everytime he relogged, only way round it was to delete him from the database as there was multiple versions of him all duplicated and impossible to tell which one exile was pulling up when he logged
  14. Diggz

    Compatible Sound Mod

    i have both jsrs and speed of sound on my server, along with cba and blastcore, no problems
  15. line 24 !="\n_planes = _this select 0;\n_pos = position _planes;\n_mk = createMarker ["AirCraftLocation",_pos];\nwhile {true} do\n{\n_pos = posit"