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About dilwhop

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  1. Did some researched and figured out how to turn off the critical error notifications https://www.raymond.cc/blog/disable-program-has-stopped-working-error-dialog-in-windows-server-2008/ 1. Open the Group Policy Editor by typing gpedit.msc into the Start search box or the Run dialog. 2. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Error Reporting. Double click on “Prevent display of the user interface for critical errors” in the pane on the right. 3. Click on the radio button Enabled and then press OK. this thread can be closed
  2. Hi all, I am currently setting up restarts for my server. Whenever I close the server either manually or via restart timer using infistar the server closes and then says it has stopped working resulting in my autorestart.bat not to work because it sees the server still running. This server is dedicated on Windows server 2008 R2 Any ideas on what i can do to get the server to full close without this windows error popup? Also when i do close the error message my restartbat works fine. Here is my restart bat @echo off color 0a title Mainline Exile Altis restarter C:\Windows\System32\mode con cols=50 lines=3 >nul set /a var=0 :start echo Running Server start "" /wait /realtime /affinity F "arma3server.exe" -port=2302 "-config=C:\GAME SERVERS\ARMA 3\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\GAME SERVERS\ARMA 3\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\GAME SERVERS\ARMA 3\TADST\default" -name=default -filePatching "-mod=@CBA_A3;@Exile;@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile;@NIArms All in One;@NIArms All in One - RHS Compatibility;@RHSAFRF;@RHSGREF;@RHSSAF;@RHSUSAF;Curator;Heli;Jets;Kart;Mark;Orange;Tacops;Tank" -autoInit -enableHT set /a var+=1 cls echo Server has shutdown %var% times, restarting goto start Thank you in Advance!
  3. dilwhop

    "BattlEye Initialization Failed" Exile Server doesn´t start (1.0.1)

    I am currently having the same problem, what do you mean by "SC" battleye? EDIT: i was using the wrong port for RCON/Battleye. was using 2306 and it didn't work, switched to 2309 and now it works flawlessly
  4. dilwhop

    "BattlEye Initialization Failed" Exile Server doesn´t start (1.0.1)

    I am currently having the same problem, what do you mean by "SC" battleye?
  5. dilwhop

    UID Based Spawn Points ?

    Makes sense, alright well time to look for a different solution.
  6. dilwhop

    UID Based Spawn Points ?

    How did you get it to work? i tried using better than zeds script for it and couldn't get it to work at all.
  7. Yep just did it today, just make sure you define it as posted above in your mission config.cpp
  8. After adding items (NI Arsenal) to the trader in my config.cpp i am un able to load into the server. RPT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nww17s6l2vjrt28/arma3server_2016-10-08_16-27-57.txt?dl=0 config.cpp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhowqm3zs9ov3br/config.cpp?dl=0 Any help would be appreciated Edit: The server is running fine without items added to the trader in the config.cpp via a backup Edited just now by dilwhop
  9. After adding items to the trader in my config.cpp i am un able to load into the server. RPT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nww17s6l2vjrt28/arma3server_2016-10-08_16-27-57.txt?dl=0 config.cpp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhowqm3zs9ov3br/config.cpp?dl=0 Any help would be appreciated Edit: The server is running fine without items added to the trader in the config.cpp via a backup
  10. dilwhop

    [GUIDE]Trader Setup Tutorial

    After adding items to the trader in my config.cpp i am un able to load into the server. RPT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nww17s6l2vjrt28/arma3server_2016-10-08_16-27-57.txt?dl=0 config.cpp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhowqm3zs9ov3br/config.cpp?dl=0 Any help would be appreciated
  11. dilwhop