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Everything posted by Korwiin

  1. Korwiin

    Revive and Poptabs

    I tested the revive feature tonight, it works with a bug/side effect. The dead player can't loot his poptabs. When they try, the poptabs went in my inventory instead (Admin revive fee + taxes? lol). I dropped the poptabs on ground, they could see but not loot them. Relogging fixes it.
  2. Korwiin

    Adding mods, what to add to mission.sqm?

    What @ShootingBlanks said. When chasing these errors, this is a list I came up so far for just Exile. Not sure if I should be doing this or not, or what the consequences are but it makes the errors go away. addons[]= { "exile_client", "Weapons_VSS", "BRDM2", "Volha", "UH1H" };
  3. Korwiin

    Trader Classnames

    For headgear: _cfgdump = configFile >> "cfgWeapons"; for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgdump)-1 do { _obj = _cfgdump select _i; if (isClass _obj) then { _objName = configName(_obj); _objDName = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "displayName"); _objModel = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "model"); _objGenmac = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "ItemInfo" >> "_generalMacro"); if ((_objName!="") && (_objGenmac=="HeadgearItem")) then { _output = format ["class %1 { quality = x; price = y; sellPrice = z; }; // %2",_objName,_objDname]; diag_log _output; }; }; }; For everything in CfgWeapons (includes vests, uniforms, guns, headgear, but not backpacks): _cfgdump = configFile >> "cfgWeapons"; for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgdump)-1 do { _obj = _cfgdump select _i; if (isClass _obj) then { _objName = configName(_obj); _objDName = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "displayName"); _objModel = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "model"); _objGenmac = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "ItemInfo" >> "_generalMacro"); if (_objName!="") then { _output = format ["class %1 { quality = x; price = y; sellPrice = z; }; // %2",_objName,_objDname]; diag_log _output; }; }; }; This will get you a list of backups, but will have a couple non-playable items backpacks you will need to sort out. _cfgdump = configFile >> "CfgVehicles"; for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgdump)-1 do { _obj = _cfgdump select _i; if (isClass _obj) then { _objName = configName(_obj); _objDName = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _objName >> "displayName"); if ((_objName!="") && isNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _objName >> "isbackpack")) then { _output = format ["class %1 { quality = x; price = y; sellPrice = z; }; // %2",_objName,_objDname]; diag_log _output; }; }; };
  4. Korwiin

    Trader Classnames

    P.S. I just saw this:
  5. Korwiin

    Game time jump to 23:00 Possible?

    I am sure that is script-able, but I wanted to let you know that A3_Occupation has a neat mission that kicks off an accelerated night cycle.
  6. Korwiin

    Trader Classnames

    Yeah i wrote that query to filter just vests. So you need vests, backpacks, anything else?
  7. Korwiin

    Backpack bug

    When this happens try to track who loses stuff vs who was the last person to sit in the pilot's chair.
  8. Korwiin

    Trader Classnames

    If I were to guess, the mod makers probably don't play Exile or mods that require manual classname management, but instead use tools like the mission editor to outfit units and fill containers with loot.
  9. Korwiin

    Disable : Restart warning sound

    Have you tried: RESTART_WARNING_SOUND = "";
  10. Korwiin

    "Player Changed Steam Account"

    @infiSTAR On your website, https://update.infistar.de/ the support link in the toolbar takes us to https://support.sealdrop.de/
  11. Korwiin

    Trader Classnames

    I load the mod(s) in question and open the editor, drop a playable unit and play as that unit. Hit escape to open the debug log. Past this script into the "execute" box, and click "LOCAL EXEC". Tab out to your desktop and open your clients rpt file. I recommend using Notepad++. I will typically open the rpt file in NP++ before I click execute, select all and delete then save... this clears the file out... then LOCAL EXEC, then tab back to NP++ where it warns that the file was changed, click yes to reload it. You will notice some pesky timestamps in the way, I don't know how to turn those off, so I just delete them manually. In NP++ hold down the ALT key and use the mouse to select the column of timestamps and the first quote mark and drag that box all the way down the file, hit delete. This script will give you the beginning of what you need for your CfgExileArsenal. _cfgdump = configFile >> "cfgWeapons"; for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgdump)-1 do { _obj = _cfgdump select _i; if (isClass _obj) then { _objName = configName(_obj); _objDName = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "displayName"); _objModel = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "model"); _objGenmac = getText(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _objName >> "ItemInfo" >> "_generalMacro"); if ((_objName!="") && (_objGenmac=="VestItem")) then { _output = format ["class %1 { quality = x; price = y; sellPrice = z; }; // %2",_objName,_objDname]; diag_log _output; }; }; };
  12. Hello @theduke thanks for sharing the video. At 4:28 I see you saving and reloading to view the changes. I believe this is what the plugin option "Synchronize Simple Object 0 [Num]" is for. Hope that helps, and thanks again for sharing!
  13. Korwiin

    initServer vs initPlayerLocal

    I noticed that the default Tanoa Exile mission has Vendor NPCs created in the initPlayerLocal file, but the trader city objects are in the InitServer file. I am curious why not have both in the initPlayerLocal? I am thinking along the lines of any walls or barrier objects would need to be server side so that AI will walk around them, but the decorative stuff like beer bottles, photos, guns on the walls could move client side only, and possibly conserve server resources?
  14. Korwiin

    initServer vs initPlayerLocal

    @Mezo thanks for the reply. The real question I should have asked is: When adding decorations to a trader area, would it be BETTER for server performance to use createVehicleLocal inside the initPlayerLocal.sqf instead of the conventional createSimpleObject inside the initServer.sqf? From the wiki createSimpleObject uses very little network traffic while createVehicleLocal the created object is not transferred through network in MP games. So the assumption is that simpleobjects still use some network/memory/cpu on server and local vehicles don't.
  15. Korwiin

    initServer vs initPlayerLocal

    Okay, I see now... createVehicleLocal is used for NPC traders. So for custom map edits/decorations, and most of the trader cities, wouldn't it be better if it was in InitPlayerLocal as a createVehicleLocal instead of a simple object on the server?
  16. Korwiin

    initServer vs initPlayerLocal

    I can see why that would be a problem. So the NPC Traders are loaded in the initPlayerLocal file by default. Are they somehow local client side only?
  17. I like the idea of releasing custom edits on the forums here as a solution to the problem. The author gets credit and "respect", if people see the content on someone else's server, there is a good chance they will know where it came from.
  18. One possible problem I see with following the instructions to a "T", if you run a Linux server there is a case sensitivity discrepancy here: class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileClient_object_player_death_startBleedingOut = "custom\EnigmaRevive\ExileClient_object_player_death_startBleedingOut.sqf"; //Happys Revive ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryOpened = "custom\EnigmaRevive\ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryOpened.sqf"; //Happys Revive AntiDupe ---NEW with v0.65 }; the folder is named Custom, not custom. Try changing these to a capital "C" and retest. Also, if you do not see a loading message for Enigma in the chat when you enter the server, make sure you didn't' skip the part about init.sqf
  19. @Z80CPU We're not talking about pirated copyright software, we are talking about Exile server admins putting objects on a map.... and hiding it server side to keep other server admins from copying it. Surely you are not suggesting that people can take the Exile.Tanoa.pbo file which is already protected under Creative Commons copyright, edit it, and call it their own copyright protected under DMCA???
  20. Thats was where I was heading @BetterDeadThanZed what happens if someone steals your custom content? Maybe someone else takes credit for your work right? That could be mitigated by sharing the work with the community so that you get some respect and admiration for creating it.
  21. What happens if someone steals your custom placed map content?
  22. Korwiin

    Viewing Active Server Threads

    I noticed after adding A3XAI my thread counts went up from 8ish to 20ish, and my average CPU% went up from 20% to 60%. I also saw on another thread someone mention something about A3XAi vs DMS and thread counts. So other than seeing more threads than you have cores, is there a performance problem? I would like to toss out the idea that unless your riding a >85% Cpu% and lagging because of it, then the extra threads may be helping you get more work out of your available processing power.
  23. Linux or Windows server?
  24. Also on Linux here. I read somewhere that in order for a in game script to access time on the host, would require a custom .dll I am "guessing" that .dll files only work on windows servers, and that the linux equivalent is an .so file. Infistar comes with 2 dll files and no .so files. Does this feature work only on windows servers?