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About Illusiveman14

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  • Birthday May 14

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  1. Illusiveman14

    Supply drop parachute

    Don't know what the issue was but if anyone else has this issue, just set the release crate to 77meters and seems to work fine
  2. Illusiveman14

    Supply drop parachute

    I'm not sure if this should be on server or client side, but what is happening on my server the supply drops are getting stuck in the air still attached to the parachute or sitting on top of the parachute. Just wondering if there is something in particular I need to make sure is set on the server side or not.
  3. Illusiveman14

    Zombies are hitting hard

    I actually just changed it to .2 and it worked for .2 damage then I changed it back to 5 and worked like a charm. No idea what happened, but thanks for the help anyways!
  4. Illusiveman14

    Zombies are hitting hard

    Quick question hope someone has a quick answer, but I have Ryan Zombies along with zombies and demons. I have went into the code and changed the parameter to hit not as hard. I am pretty sure I did it right, but obviously not. So is there somewhere else I need to edit or what else am I forgetting? Forgot to add they are hitting hard as in two-three hits dead.
  5. Illusiveman14

    Earthquake vs. Base

    Just checked it didn't destroy much buildings but did destroy one of the two story military buildings. Is that classified as a house or was it a glitch?
  6. Illusiveman14

    Earthquake vs. Base

    I will give that setting a try, thank you!
  7. Illusiveman14

    Earthquake vs. Base

    I will have to try this out thank you for the information. Next question is what is a acceptable number for magnitude that won't take down built buildings?
  8. Illusiveman14

    Earthquake vs. Base

    Will the earthquakes destroy bases? If so, is there anything that can be done besides turning off the earthquakes?
  9. Illusiveman14

    Server editing

    I have my server up and running just fine, I just need a stupid version of how to add mods to my server, i.e CUP Weapons and Vehicles. I've looked all over google and people just say add this to your config.cpp and add to your trader information but no specifics as I haven't gotten to much knowledge about this yet. So any help would be great!
  10. Illusiveman14

    Server Help!

    I ran into this issue just go into the folder where Arma 3 is and create a shortcut from Arma 3 launcher to your desktop or taskbar. Easy as that