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Everything posted by Sandmaniux

  1. Sandmaniux

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    that's helped, thanks very much
  2. Sandmaniux

    How to setup / use Battleye RCON

    cant get it working on x64 server, but it was working on x86 perfectly.. any help/advice? thanks [SORTED]
  3. Sandmaniux

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    is your server x64? what rcon are you using?
  4. Sandmaniux

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    could you tell me, where can I get it? or any more details how to set it up please?
  5. Sandmaniux

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Hello peops, mine rcon (DaRT) stopped working after upgrading server to x64 version, is this normal? is there any other ones?
  6. Sandmaniux

    Loot tables for RHS and CUP for 1.0.3

    Thanx Kupilon. Do you know somekind of syntax checker, which would show me all errors in config.cpp?
  7. Anyone could help with it? at least anything would be really helpfull
  8. Sandmaniux

    1.0.3 Update: Lemon!

    great news, huge thank you guys, been waiting for this update for a while! any guides how to upgrade from 1.0.2 serverside?
  9. Sandmaniux

    Probleme database

    got the same problem with players on my server.. does anyone found solution for this??
  10. Sandmaniux

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    is it possible, to launch this mission on server with no HC? Trying to find convoy mission, and I can't find anything apart this..
  11. done it, and nothing helped.. could it be because its on the australia map? no guards on crate and helicrash
  12. Sandmaniux


    Is it working on x64 version??
  13. Sandmaniux


    is it still working? I can't connect over it, tried everything, can't get it working... [update] FIXED
  14. but what about this: 20:11:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit20:11:17 File x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationHeliCrashes.sqf, line 8720:11:17 Error in expression <n { _unit setName _unitName; };
  15. these are the lines 87 and 88: if(!isNil "_unitName") then { _unit setName _unitName; }; reload _unit; here is the file:
  16. Hello kuplion, could you please check my post from yesterday, I do get those errors at my rpt.. And I don't know how to sort it out..
  17. Sandmaniux

    Ambient Flyover aircraft stuck

    had that problem, if you using DMS, check settings, it was freezing all AI
  18. Sandmaniux

    Loot isn't spawning in one building

    It helped!! thanks very much!
  19. Hi, can anyone help me with this error please? And I don't get any guards on helicrash.. (
  20. Sandmaniux

    Loot isn't spawning in one building

    got the same problem on australia map. This is the only building with no loot...
  21. Sandmaniux

    Australia Map Developer here

    does anyone have a3xai and good dms for this map, as my ones spawning city invasions next to spawn and traders area only..