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About PlankMemes

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  1. PlankMemes

    Infistar Exile - Stuck on creating

    I did the same and it fixed my issue with bambi errors, i highly reccomend if you are using gtx or alike to reinstall all mods other than CBA which causes errors, also make sure you put all 3 files from infistar into the same file where you edited description.txt. if you do this and set your commandpassword in the txt inside of the pbo then you will be fine.
  2. infiSTAR keybinds not working with apex preset, ever since i have updated arma 3 and used A3L to connect to my own exile server (which by the way is fully functional), ive noticed i can no longer press f1 to open infistar or any other of the keybinds. I can not also change the defualt preset to arma 3 and hope to restart the game to fix it as the issue re-occurs where it resets back to apex preset. ive heard this is to do with the apex DLC but i despise not being able to use infiSTAR due to a control preset. Please help