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About BaDg3R1991

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  1. BaDg3R1991

    [Updated] ExileReborn - A complete survival package

    Thats all i have done for the past few days. My friend created same server same setup on his local machine and boom it spawns...
  2. BaDg3R1991

    [Updated] ExileReborn - A complete survival package

    Just to confirm after 3 fresh installs on esseker and also a New install tonight with only the mods on what it says in the setup I have no loot spawning what so ever. The FTP log shows multiple lines of this error. Any fixes? 22:15:20 Object id 8e869306 (774) not found in slot 210,116 22:15:20 Link cannot be resolved 22:15:20 Object id 8e869301 (769) not found in slot 210,116 22:15:20 Link cannot be resolved 22:15:20 Object id 8e8692ff (767) not found in slot 210,116 22:15:20 Link cannot be resolved 22:15:20 Object id 8e8692fe (766) not found in slot 210,116 22:15:20 Link cannot be resolved 22:15:20 Object id 8e869304 (772) not found in slot 210,116 22:15:20 Link cannot be resolved 22:15:20 Object id 8e869319 (793) not found in slot 210,116 22:15:20 Link cannot be resolved 22:15:20 Object id 8e869232 (562) not found in slot 210,116
  3. Zed is your server working?
  4. i cant evan get on my own server never mind stuff going missing haha
  5. My client is just crashing everytime i try to join my arma 1.64 server no idea why
  6. BaDg3R1991

    [Updated] ExileReborn - A complete survival package

    well ive done 3 fresh installs and followed word for word. It does not spawn for me.
  7. BaDg3R1991

    Esseker - No Loot - No Clue

    Im having the same issues. No idea how to fix this..
  8. BaDg3R1991

    [Updated] ExileReborn - A complete survival package

    Loot doesnt spawn on the Esseker version
  9. BaDg3R1991

    Esseker and CUP Issues

    Sorry didnt you look at the last post was thursday.
  10. BaDg3R1991

    Esseker and CUP Issues

    Im having the same problems. Nothing is working at all no errors in my RTP. People dont seem to help much around here tbh.