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About Kronik

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  • Birthday 08/23/1995

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  1. Kronik

    RemoteExec Restriction #3

    Can anyone help me with this, i have looked everywhere and tried all things i find but still cant fix it mpeventhandler.log RemoteExec Restriction #3 "Reloaded" 2:1728 RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f_1_1 - "_this spawn ZMPKilled;" heres my mpeventhandler.txt 7 "" !"ZMPKilled" !"Killed" !"MPKilled" Any help would be great Thanks, Kronik.
  2. Kronik

    Statusbar Script?

    Thanks for helping but ive done this all works well but i get poptabs as any|20 so on player works but not locker
  3. Kronik

    Extended Base Mod

    @Freakylein Wow i feel stupid, Thank you!
  4. Kronik

    Extended Base Mod

    Anyone know how to fix the Inventory not working on the containers, i cant find any fix or im just blind
  5. Kronik

    Statusbar Script?

    Anyone know how to add locker and on player money to same icon like this:
  6. Kronik

    ExileZ 2

    @[OMG]Slim Thank you that helped alot
  7. Kronik

    ExileZ 2

    @[OMG]SlimI Mean more detailed as someone new like myself has no idea how to place an Elliptic Marker Thats's all i need help with really just the basics, And yes i use Infistar.
  8. Kronik

    CUP Vehicles Land/Air

    Yeah ive seen this before but not all items are on the price lists, was wondering if anyone had an updated price list of all vehicles, Thanks anyway
  9. Kronik

    CUP Vehicles Land/Air

    Hey, Does anyone have the price list's and class names for CUP Vehicles both Land and Air? Thanks, Kronik
  10. Kronik

    ExileZ 2

    Any detailed tutorial on this? Tried other ways and i cant do it
  11. Kronik

    ExileZ 2

    Can anyone help with getting coordinates to add to triggers, i get the coords from infistar but they look different (longer, more numbers) to the normal trigger coords and when i add them they do not work, What am i doing wrong?
  12. Kronik

    [UK]Kronik's Exile 20K Start PvE

    [UK]Kronik's Exile 20K Start|PVE|Zombies|AI|CUP|ExtBase IP: PvE Only! Updated regularly Active Admin(s) Recruiting staff/admins/ServerAdmins Missions Capture Points CUP Items 20K Starting money in locker Friendly! Come Play Today!
  13. Kronik

    Status Bar

    Thanks but thats not really what im looking for, too facny for me, i'd like the same as i posted i just cant find it anywhere
  14. Kronik

    Trader Categories

    Thats what ive used but the the cats are still a bit messed up, blank ones and also still have items showing at 0 and wont spawn either but are also shown on the list twice one is right and the other cost 0 and comes up with error 3
  15. Kronik

    Status Bar

    Hi, I know there is a current topic for this but i wasnt sure if i could post this there, I would like this status bar: I couldnt find it in the topic unless i am blind, If anyone has this could they possibly share it with me? Sorry if i'm in the wrong place Thanks, Kronik