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  1. WhatEver

    Questions regarding Editor with 3DEN

    Hey I have quite the same problem.. Iwant to edit the Altis Map in the 3D-Editor. If I just unpack the pbo and try to open it with the editor, it is in 2D Format (version=12). If I try to open & convert the mission file, I get the same result as you: everything is wiped and nothing is placed in the editor.. Opening the Exile.Tanoa map works like a charm. Can anyone help us to convert the 2D mission file to the 3D format? Or do you have a 3D version of Exile.Altis?
  2. WhatEver

    RegEx help mpeventhandler

    Hey folks, I've added Zeus to my Tanoa map and after updating the server to 1.0.1, I get the following exeption: RemoteExec Restriction #0 "Hit" 2:1771 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - "[_this,"bis_fnc_curatorrespawn",false] call bis_fnc_mp;" multiple times, with different numbers. For Example: #0 "Hit" 2:1778 #0 "Hit" 2:1214 #0 "Hit" 2:1192 and so on.. I've created the following filter: !="Hit" 2:1771 Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - "[_this,"bis_fnc_curatorrespawn",false] call bis_fnc_mp;" but every time the number changes, I have to set up a new filter, so I want to do a regex there, like: !="Hit" 2:/[0-9]/ Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - "[_this,"bis_fnc_curatorrespawn",false] call bis_fnc_mp;" but I don't know the correct syntax Would be nice, if someon of you could help me Thanks