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About vikman100

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  1. Well this is just to suggest two features which i kinda wanted into exile which would make it more greater, i will explain the features/ideas i wanted with these two systems below: Barricading: will work like you add an wooden board or planks to an window and hammer it onto the window with nails, this will make the normal building on the map more useable and also make exile buildings be more secure on the windows. it could also possibly be added to doors aswell as an way to lock the door for people to easily get get in. Farming: i was thinking that farming would be something interesting for more trading (for exsample: player to player or by ai traders) or to keep food for yourself to survive. but how it is gonna work is by placing the crops eaither on good enough soil or in pots in bases and you gotta keep the plants in good condition by eaither watering it or removing unessesary weed. (btw all these suggestions is because i play alot of zombie exile which propaly makes more sense to add these to exile)