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Everything posted by Seth^^

  1. Description If you are looking for a solution to start / restart your server in windows here's a quick and easy way to do it. I have a .bat file that will start my exile server and keep it up when it crashes or restarts. In order for this to work you need to change a file in exile_server.pbo. You can of course use the overwrite in the mission file config for an easier implementation. The code that was added will shutdown your server after the restart messages. The bat will pickup on the fact that the server process no longer exists and will start it again. How to install Download the updated file from here Unpack your mission file and make a new folder called "restart" there and add ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf in there. Next open your config.cpp from your mission and go to CfgExileCustomCode and add it there class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check = "restart\ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf"; ... other stuff here ... }My arma3server.exe is located in T:\Arma3\A3Master My .bat file is located in T:\Arma3 If you place your .bat next to your arma3server.exe you need to remove the 'cd A3Master' part from it. @echo off cls set version=0.9.19 set wat=Arma3 Exile title %wat% Watchdog cd A3Master :watchdog echo (%time%) %wat% started. start "Exile" /wait /high "arma3server.exe" -port=2302 "-serverMod=@ExileServer;@marma" "-mod=@Exile;" "-config=@ExileServer\config.cfg" "-cfg=@ExileServer\basic.cfg" -profiles=config_exile -name=exile -malloc=tbbmalloc -autoinit -enableHT echo (%time%) %wat% closed or crashed, restarting. goto watchdog
  2. This script is for mARMAcp > RE Editor If you don't know what mARMAcp is, check out this thread Here's a nice nifty script that will reward all the players in your server with a little bit of extra cash. You can use this to keep your server popular and get people to come back to your server They will receive 1000$ from "God" with this script ["God", 1000] spawn { _amount = _this select 1; _admin = _this select 0; ["notificationRequest",["Success", ["Money event starting :D"]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; uiSleep 1; ["notificationRequest",["Success", ["You guys ready???"]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; uiSleep 1; for "_i" from 5 to 1 step -1 do { ["systemChatRequest", [format ["Free money from %1 in %2", _admin, _i]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; uiSleep 1; }; { _currentAccountBalance = _x getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0]; _currentAccountBalance = _currentAccountBalance + _amount; _x setVariable ["ExileMoney", _currentAccountBalance]; format["setAccountMoney:%1:%2", _currentAccountBalance, getPlayerUID _x] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; [_x, "moneyReceivedRequest", [str _currentAccountBalance, _admin]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; } forEach allPlayers; };
  3. This script is for mARMAcp > RE Editor If you don't know what mARMAcp is, check out this thread Say you want to give someone on your server money because they lost a vehicle due to a bug or something along those lines. Problem is that you're at work and you don't have Arma installed there. Here's a script that will give 1000$ to "Seth" from "Admin" ["Seth", 1000] spawn { _playerName = _this select 0; _amount = _this select 1; _admin = 'Admin'; { if ((name _x) isEqualTo _playerName) exitWith { _currentAccountBalance = _x getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0]; _currentAccountBalance = _currentAccountBalance + _amount; _x setVariable ["ExileMoney", _currentAccountBalance]; format["setAccountMoney:%1:%2", _currentAccountBalance, getPlayerUID _x] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; [_x, "moneyReceivedRequest", [str _currentAccountBalance, _admin]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; }; } forEach allPlayers; };
  4. Seth^^


    Not too shabby This is like phpmyadmin only with joins between accounts and vehicles / territories etc already done for you Good work
  5. Seth^^

    Show off your Desktop

    Where is your Arma3 shortcut icon man?
  6. Seth^^

    Show off your Desktop

    Haha I knew my lamp wouldn't let me down Its from ikea, and its called ikea ps 2014 lamp -> But I custom painted mine from white to grey on the outside
  7. Seth^^

    Show off your Desktop

    Logitech fanboy here Yeah, I also got that plus the Logitech Orion Spark I wana get Artemis Spectrum too when they come out.
  8. Seth^^

    Show off your Desktop

    also checkout my lamp
  9. Seth^^

    Auto Server Restart For Dummies

    Glad you figured it out
  10. You don't seem to understand. I am happy to share anything and everything with you here, but if you want teamviewer assistance that means having someone else (me) do the work for you... which takes time... and time is money, friend Also, are you sure you're a server owner? Because you don't seem to know much do you? You can't even follow some simple steps for crying out loud... so... for 10 euros i can take care of this for you
  11. Umm, if you pay me Time is money, friend! Otherwise read carefully
  12. Seth^^

    Restart in 30 seconds Unfortunately he isn't streaming 1080p so i had to guess a few of the words before i got it right Lucky for me, most of that code can be found in ExileServer_system_rcon_thread_check.sqf
  13. This script is for mARMAcp > RE Editor If you don't know what mARMAcp is, check out this thread Say you want to restart (shutdown) your server in 30 seconds. You can do that with this nifty script. Stole this from Grim's live broadcast a few days ago [] spawn { "#lock" call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand; "Server locked for restart" call ExileServer_util_log; ["notificationRequest",["LockKickWarning",["You will be kicked from the server due to restart."]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; ExileServerIsLocked = true; uiSleep 30; call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_kickAllrestart; "Evryone kicked for restart" call ExileServer_util_log; call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_clearBuffers; "Buffers cleared!" call ExileServer_util_log; for "_i" from 0 to 9 do { "SERVER READY FOR RESTART!!" call ExileServer_util_log; }; ExileServerRestartMode = true; "#shutdown" call ExileServer_system_rcon_event_sendCommand; };
  14. Seth^^

    Stairs not big enough

    Stairs have never been Bohemia's strong point. I always get hurt running up and down stairs. I even fell off the green towers once or twice, happy memories... That being said maybe you've misaligned them somehow. practice makes perfect
  15. Seth^^

    Download Link for Banana SP3?

    There was... but on the previous forum which burned to a crisp Hopefully Rod Serling will make a new topic... if not, the official sp3 will roll out this weekend as per @MrWhite's instructions. Don't let us down Heisenberg
  16. Seth^^

    13.37 EUR Donation hype train

    @infiSTAR and @SpiRe are on board the hype train
  17. Seth^^

    How To: BattlEye filters - DO IT YOURSELF!

    I feel like you explained it better than @Defent did here, especially with notepad++ and find and replace pictures, much easier, but that's just one man's opinion
  18. Seth^^

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    Im using this on my server and it's great! I've also added a few scripts in the RE Editor to make my life easier. You guys can find them in the programming section.... and if you wrote other scripts like mine please do share sharing is caring
  19. Seth^^

    How To: BattlEye filters - DO IT YOURSELF!

    I've learned filters from @infiSTAR -> It took a few hours to get the hang of it on my test server but was well worth it, I can now do everything by myself
  20. Mess with the best, die like the rest.

  21. Save it as a "file" in RE Editor and run it whenever you want.