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  1. DCactivity

    loot table compiler error

    thats the thing, ive done nothing different to the last few times ive used it, copied the loottable into loottables.h and dragged that along with the group tables to compile, but it errors out. ill attach the loot table im trying to compile also:
  2. DCactivity

    loot table compiler error

    Hey guys, so normally i use the loot table compiler with no issues, but today when i used it, im getting "Unknown Item Group: CUPPointerAttachments" in the cmd window. if i delete all instances of CUP pointer attachments, i get the same error with the muzzle attachments. any ideas as to what has happened?
  3. DCactivity

    [SOLVED] reloading infiSTAR

    OK ive found the problem, it was using the wrong CfgRemoteExec
  4. DCactivity

    [SOLVED] reloading infiSTAR

    no, i'll post a screenshot. i normally get this filling up my AHlog
  5. DCactivity

    [SOLVED] reloading infiSTAR

    quick question, is there a debug command or function to reload infiSTAR? it works on my server but crashes frequently resulting in most of the functions not working. the logs simply state that infistar client has stopped.
  6. DCactivity

    Loot Not Spawning

    for some reason my server doesn't produce logs, ive contacted my server provider and theyre stumpted too, however i have discovered the problem. I use the parameter "#include CfgLootTables" (or along those lines) instead of actually writing out the loot table in the config.cpp. this normally works but recently it hasn't been, so i manually pasted my loot table into the config file and it worked. not quite sure why, but it worked
  7. DCactivity

    Loot Not Spawning

    Ive bought a chernarus exile server, set it up the same way as my previous server, but loot isn't spawning. ive tried the chernarus loot position script, which hasn't done anything, ive tried the standard loot positions with the A3 building replacement script, still nothing. any ideas? UPDATE: im now using exile altis but loot is still not spawning
  8. DCactivity

    Safe kits not working

    container is blank
  9. DCactivity

    Safe kits not working

    where abouts to i have to look in the database? and my config.cpp looks identical
  10. DCactivity

    Safe kits not working

    Hey guys, the issue im having is recently the safe kits are not showing the option to lock, unlock or change pin. the only thing i can do is pack the safe but even that doesn't work for some reason. The default code is 0000 but once thats entered it just says "wrong code" and refuses to pack. any ideas?
  11. DCactivity

    Safe Locking Problems

    ive also got this problem, the only thing i can do is pack the safe, but i can't even do that because it keeps saying "wrong code"
  12. DCactivity

    AI Static radio script?

    yes you are right, just found it in the config!
  13. DCactivity

    AI Static radio script?

    Hey guys, where can I find that script that displays a message like "you hear radio static" when you are close to ai or another player?
  14. DCactivity

    Players having difficultly spawning?

    Chernarus. But it's ok now, turns out what @C][G GhostTown™ said was the issue and has now been fixed
  15. DCactivity

    Players having difficultly spawning?

    I did not, I have just made the changes and will see what happens! thanks!